I'm a developer at Valve who is working on the Left 4 Dead Survival pack
update.  We've made several changes to server operation that we'd like to
give our server operators a heads up on.

Since Left 4 Dead will now support three different game modes, we removed
the console variable "director_no_human_zombies" and added a new variable
called "mp_gamemode" which can be set to "coop", "versus" and "survival".
 This variable is set by lobby reservation, so a normal server running in
lobby mode will require no changes by the server operator.  If you are
running in LAN mode without lobbies, you will need to set mp_gamemode before
you load a map.  For example, use "mp_gamemode survival; map
l4d_sv_lighthouse" to load the new Lighthouse map in Survival mode.

We have extended sv_gamestypes to also include "survival".  The default
value is now "coop,versus,survival".  This may cause issues for some servers
that have a lot of tags in addition to the defaults.  We realize this is
problem and adjusted "sv_showtags" to show the truncated tags to help server
operators see if they have reached the 63 character limit.

The tags issue will be fixed in the forthcoming third party campaign
matchmaking update.   We have extended the master servers so heartbeats will
be sent as two distinct packets, one containing the existing server
heartbeat, and another containing additional "game data."  This game data
will contain all the matchmaking server tags such as sv_gametypes, and the
list of third party campaign missions installed.  This third party campaign
list will be used by people searching for servers with third party campaigns
installed.  Server operators will install the VPK file of the campaign that
includes the maps (and associated models, etc) as well as a "mission"
description file that describes the campaign and its name used for
matchmaking.  We hope that as various third party campaigns become popular,
more server operators will install them giving a larger base for players to
find servers for those campaigns.
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