getting a lot of punkbuster kicks like this
[28728.05] Log: PunkBuster Server: Kick Command Issued (Time Out trying to
Update PB Client) for (slot#8)  .....

On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 3:47 AM, John Gibson

> Everyone,
> Evenbalance has just released an update for Punkbuster that should address
> the issues with the RO2 Beta Server getting lagged out on map changes. So
> please if you have disabled Punkbuster re-enabled it on your server, then
> restart your server to help us test the fix. Note: It may take 20 minutes or
> so for Punkbuster to autoupdate and apply the update on the server. So you
> may still see some lag for the first map change or two. After that the issue
> should be resolved and you should no longer get big lag issues when maps
> changes with punkbuster installed.
> Please not you DO NOT have to update through HLDS, Punkbuster will update
> itself automatically. When the update is downloaded and auto-installed, you
> will eventually get a message in your log with the updated version numbers
> that says:
> Log: PunkBuster Server: PunkBuster Server for HOS (v1.834 | A1371 C2.275)
> Enabled
> If it says older version numbers the server is still waiting to download
> the update, so just keep checking the log. I appreciate your patience while
> we get these issues sorted out.
> Thanks,
> John Gibson
> President
> Tripwire Interactive
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