This post is a reminder to everybody that this email distribution list has a 
standard language that everybody should use.  I'm not talking about using 
Portuguese or English.  I'm talking about being nice instead of being a jerk.

New people come and go all the time.  Sometimes they repeat questions that have 
already been answered before they subscribed.  Sometimes they don't know what 
is on topic or off topic.  There's a way to let them know politely if their 
question is off topic, or should be directed elsewhere.  If is too difficult 
for you to use kind words, then of course there's also the option of just 
ignoring it.

Your posts (like most things on the Internet) are both public and permanent.  
By bearing this in mind, some people could save themselves embarrassment and 
regret by refraining from posting childishly.  Even better would be to act 
kindly and help the person get to the correct place where they can find the 
answer they are seeking.

Please just be kind and helpful.

Try to relax.

Your humble servant,

- Fletch

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