the update is live!

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 6:38 PM, John Gibson <>wrote:

> A required update to Killing Floor is coming later today! The Twisted
> Christmas 2 event runs from December 7-January 4th. Additionally, we'll be
> running a free weekend this weekend on Steam from December 8th-11th. So
> please server admins if you can put up some extra servers to help handle
> the load please do! Here is the info or also check out the Twisted
> Christmas 2 website (
> Tripwire continues its long standing tradition of massive free content
> packs with the *Twisted Christmas 2 Content Pack*. The event an features an
> all new level, Ice Cave, as well as brand new Twisted Christmas music to
> get you in the holiday spirit. But wait - there's more! Santa is bringing
> even more gifts - the Winter Weapon Pack, with seven brand new weapons
> complete with new achievements, free to everyone who owns the
> game. Returning from last year's event we have Christmas themed specimens
> replacing all of the regular baddies, Santa’s Evil Lair, Christmas themed
> achievements and the chance for those who missed unlocking the
> special Baddest Santa character last year to grab him this time around.
> New Map
>   - *Ice Cave *- Evil Santa Clause has retreated underground to a
>   sprawling Ice Cave tunnel system. Battle it out with all of Santa's
> Twisted
>   Christmas minions in this all new level.
>  New Weapons
>   - *44 Magnum Revolver* - The Sharpshooter gets a shiny .44 Magnum
>   revolver - good for dual-wielding for even more stopping power.
>   - *M-4 Carbine* - The Commando picks up a US Army surplus M-4 Carbine,
>   with a nice, new red dot sight fitted.
>   - *M-4 Carbine With Grenade Launcher* - For Demolitions, we've removed
>   the sight and added the under-slung M-203 single shot grenade launcher.
>   Wonderful all-purpose weapon!
>   - *Claymore Sword* - Berserkers can go all Scottish, with a massive
>   two-handed Claymore. Perfect for the holiday season...
>   - *MP5M Medic Sub Machine Gun *- Following on from Horzine's earlier
>   experiments with healing darts, they have now provided the Medic with an
>   MP5 machine pistol, mounting a dart-firing device.
>   - *Husk Gun Fireball Launcher* - Ripped from the arm of a dead Husk the
>   Firebug gets his asbestos-covered hands on the fireball launching
>   Huskgun!!! Charge this baby up and watch the zeds explode in a ball of
>   flames!
> The update also includes a couple of gameplay fixes including:
>   - Rocket and grenades no longer collide with your teammates (falling to
>   the ground and blowing you up in the process)
>   - Fixed a bug where players could get stuck unable to go into ironsights
>   when firing the Crossbow or M79 from the hip
> Cheers,
> John Gibson
> President
> Tripwire Interactive
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