I write plugins. Not for a living, not because I get paid, but because I want to.

So, when I point out (repeatedly) that the game engine has bugs that causes servers to crash when plugins precache over a certain number of models and sounds or that something in the game engine causes clients to crash when the server changes maps away from a certain map, it's not just for my own benefit.

Feel free to get off your high horse or ride it on out of here.

On 1/25/2013 6:14 PM, HLDS Digest wrote:
We have been testing the MOTD.TXT changer for ad fly add agency we will be releasing on wonkagamings download section once all glitches are down....

So far the results are remarkable for impressions pinion only pay 1.50$ every 1000 impression where Ad-fly pays 6.00$ every 1000 impression... HUGE diference in money for server owners that worked years can now finally get what they deserve instead of pinion short handing them for 2013. And people please do not complain about big community's recruiting coders it's just rude that is why you never see us helping little community's with there problems they always complain when the big fish have something to say.


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