Hi Gustavo,

This is not directly applicable to your request (HL2DM) but it seems safe
to assume that a similar process will be in the works for other Steampipe
conversions..  Below are some of Fletcher's words on the subject of DoD's

----------------------------------------------start fletch


We’re planning on switching Day of Defeat: Source to be delivered through
SteamPipe on Friday Morning.

This update will cause all clients to be converted to the new VPK

** Servers downloaded with the HLDSUpdateTool will no longer be
compatible.  Only the server obtained using SteamCMD will work.  The server
is currently available for download; we encourage all server operators to
download and install the server now if you haven’t already.  The server is
currently interoperable with the “steampipe” Beta of Day of Defeat:Source,
which is also currently available.


** **

Details about the conversion and instructions for downloading the server
and client beta are available here:****


** **

- Fletc
Fletcher Dunn <fletch...@valvesoftware.com>
Mar 27 (7 days ago)
9:22 PM (18 minutes ago)
to hlds, hlds_linux

The dedicated server currently available as app 232290 is pretty much the
exact same server that will be used to host the clients when they are
converted.  We will flip a flag that makes the steampipe beta the official
version of the game; this change only affects clients.  It’s possible
(though not certain) that we won’t even need to release a server update.
If your server is currently able to host clients running the steampipe beta,
it will be able to host clients after they are converted.****

** **

Before the conversion, a client will only see HLDSUpdateTool servers in his
server browser.  After the conversion, he will only see SteamPipe servers.
(To be more precise: clients only see servers with a matching PatchVersion
in steam.inf in the Internet tab of the in-game server browser.)****

** **

*From:* hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com [mailto:hlds
-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] *On Behalf Of *Fletcher Dunn
*Sent:* Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:25 AM
*To:* Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list (
hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com); Half-Life dedicated Win32 server
mailing list (hlds@list.valvesoftware.com);
*Subject:* [hlds] DoD:S SteamPipe conversion happening Friday morning
--------------------------------end fletch
By the looks of it, they will be announcing the release (if they haven't
already, I admit I don't follow HL2DM as as search term regularly) of the
SteamPipe version of HL2DM whenever that happens, and they will (if they
haven't already) encourage HL2DM server operators to download and install
the SteamPipe version.  Then, after a while, they will make the swap so
that clients are associated with SteamPipe installations of that game.

I left some of the time stamp information in the fletch quote so you can
use that to home in on any other relevant information in the HLDS archive.

-end message
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