We've noticed that SteamCMD can be a bit finicky when using branching (by
finicky I mean that batch files and shortcuts may not work). If you need to
grab the early access Rising Storm/RO2 server files manually from SteamCMD
here are step by step instructions:

start up SteamCMD
Enter the following commands:
login <yourname> <yourpass>
force_install_dir <the dir where you want to put the serverfiles>
app_update 212542 validate -beta risingstorm

That will cause SteamCMD to download the early access server files.



On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 3:45 PM, John Gibson

> Everyone,
> Rising Storm is launching tomorrow at 1PM EST (10AM Pacific). Early
> tomorrow morning we'll be cutting off the beta in preparation for the full
> game's launch. To enable you all to get your servers converted over from
> the beta to the full game (or to update your RO2 servers to RO2/Rising
> Storm merged) we have set up early access to the server files on SteamCMD.
> To download the server files from Steam command (or to update an existing
> Red Orchestra 2 server) you will need to update through SteamCMD with the
> RO2 app ID of 212542. Additionally, to update your servers prior to the
> launch you'll need to add this to your SteamCMD update/download commandline:
> -beta risingstorm
> Adding that to your commandline will download the server files that will
> be set live for everyone at 1PM EST tomorrow.
> Thanks to everyone that hosted servers for the Rising Storm beta!
> Cheers,
> John
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