The Suspect / Actor is in California.

I know who it is. Had their ISP suspend their service before.
Guess its time to contact my Associates at the FBI / DIA and FISA.

On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 7:11 PM StealthMode Hu <>

> See all you retarded window lickers keep tryna claim shit with no evidence.
> Do you know what delusional ideation means?
> You have one.
> You keep casting / projecting your own psychotic behaviors on others.
> Like the person who is about to disappear permanently from these lists.
> Who has abused multiple federal agencies email / newsletter systems.
> Using Identity Theft, committing Fraud.
> Criminally signing people up for things maliciously.
> Now if you would like, I can shut the lists down permanently.
> As these are a " Platform to engage in Criminal Behavior ", where "
> criminals are known to frequent ".
> Have a nice day!
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 7:02 PM Keith <>
> wrote:
>> I remember that threat a few months ago, still living in your fantasy
>> world I see, take your meds old man, gn.
>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024, 19:55 StealthMode Hu <>
>> wrote:
>>> For a long time now.
>>> The person abusing these lists.
>>> Has been spamming peoples emails with criminal signups on multiple
>>> mailing lists.
>>> No matter what country you are in.
>>> We are coming for you now.
>>> Me, and my Team.
>>> Im going to put you in a hole. And make sure you never are near a
>>> computer again.
>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:50 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Where they really fucked up is.
>>>> My email is already listed with DHS, NTAC, USSS, CIA, DIA, NSA.
>>>> And your IP address.
>>>> Is now being traced.
>>>> Your identity is being documented.
>>>> And you might even be killed for abusing the system,and attempting to
>>>> commit fraud, and identity theft involving former personnel.
>>>> So enjoy what is about to happen.
>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:48 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> One of the kids on this list doesnt realize they are about to get
>>>>> Federal charges.
>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:34 PM AntUkl <> wrote:
>>>>>> Children, come quick! This is not a drill!
>>>>>> The sudden circus has come to town!
>>>>>> And in the ring, every man is now the clown!
>>>>>> Behold, the man to be sued for messages in a brilliant green!
>>>>>> The denizens in the crowd recoiling in horror at what they see!
>>>>>> And the ringmaster, endowed with degrees from quality 8.5x11 paper
>>>>>> with the finest toner you could find in the clearance bin!
>>>>>> With misconceptions unlike those you've ever seen before!
>>>>>> Truly, a spectacle not meant for the weakest eyes!
>>>>>> Two nights only, or until everyone gets bored!
>>>>>> In this way, our ringmaster will challenge the world!
>>>>>> On 3/10/2024 5:07 PM, Zejkie1 wrote:
>>>>>> >Blasts everyone's inbox with bullshit
>>>>>> >Claims stalking when they respond
>>>>>> >Claims cyberbulling
>>>>>> >Threatens getting people's information to find them and show up at
>>>>>> their door
>>>>>> >Probably also thinks they're a master of the blade
>>>>>> >Nothing personell, kid
>>>>>> Aight bud, take your night night bottle and take a nap. You're grumpy
>>>>>> when you're tired.
>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:06 PM Arron Vinyard <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> We are all thieves on this blessed day.
>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024, 6:04 PM a <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Lol. You can't have that many degrees
>>>>>>>> But reading the thread, you do indeed need help
>>>>>>>> søn. 10. mar. 2024, 22:58 skrev StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>> None of yall know the Field of Psychology, let alone Neurology.
>>>>>>>>> I find it funny, those with psychosis trying to diagnose others.
>>>>>>>>> I DO however happen to have Mastery of Psychology, Neurology, and
>>>>>>>>> Zen Philosophy.
>>>>>>>>> As well as Universal Physics, Chemistry, Alchemix, Apothecary,
>>>>>>>>> Metallurgy, Warfare, Assassination, Electronics Engineering, Computer
>>>>>>>>> Science, Information Technology, Nuclear Engineering, Experimental 
>>>>>>>>> Physics.
>>>>>>>>> So yall out there that keep abusing these lists.
>>>>>>>>> Harassing.
>>>>>>>>> Stalking.
>>>>>>>>> Attempting to Cyber Bully.
>>>>>>>>> Have a nice day!
>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:54 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Yall do know Electronics has a fatal flaw right?
>>>>>>>>>> One that can be exploited at any time.
>>>>>>>>>> And used to destroy anything electronic .
>>>>>>>>>> So yall go ahead and talk all the crap yall want.
>>>>>>>>>> Might cause VALVe to lose their host for these lists. TOS
>>>>>>>>>> violations.
>>>>>>>>>> Meanwhile, thanks for showing ALL OF US your Neurosis and
>>>>>>>>>> Psychosis.
>>>>>>>>>> I make a legitimate on topic post about a Thief out there ( you
>>>>>>>>>> can even see the email in the archives ) who stole a POC / example 
>>>>>>>>>> of a
>>>>>>>>>> server exploit I posted a few years ago.
>>>>>>>>>> Then you can go to HackerOne, and see that exploit fraudulently
>>>>>>>>>> listed there as original exploit.
>>>>>>>>>> From a Thief on these lists. That commits Fraud routinely.
>>>>>>>>>> That said.
>>>>>>>>>> All of you who responded, in such a marvelously psychotic way to
>>>>>>>>>> my thread?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> More Trolls for the Ban Hammer.
>>>>>>>>>> I will be in contact with your ISP / hosts shortly about
>>>>>>>>>> terminating your service for abuse of the internet usage policy of 
>>>>>>>>>> your ISP.
>>>>>>>>>> Ever hear of an " Undocumented Keyholder of the Internet ".
>>>>>>>>>> I am one of those as well ( one of my many, many hats ).
>>>>>>>>>> Yall have a good day.
>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>> Applied Physicist
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:46 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Just like that guy that was using protonmail vpn / vpmail to
>>>>>>>>>>> stalk these lists.
>>>>>>>>>>> And got banned from ProtonMail.
>>>>>>>>>>> Watch talking shit. Especially on these lists.
>>>>>>>>>>> Especially to someone who knows more about how all of this works
>>>>>>>>>>> than you do.
>>>>>>>>>>> Last warning.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:44 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Meaning, a simple query to GOOGLE MAIL servers.
>>>>>>>>>>>> And your client info is compromised.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:44 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh no.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are mistaken.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your EGO / Shadow has spoken volumes about your psychological
>>>>>>>>>>>>> defects.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The charge is a Civil one. For Fraud and Theft.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And watch talking shit on these lists.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your info can easily be obtained from a simple database query
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the mail server.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:41 PM Zejkie1 <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll be waiting to be served papers, cutie. Have them pick up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a pack of smokes on the way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:38 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zejkie1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You have a fixation, obsession, psychological disorder.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That causes you to respond when anyone tries to message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these lists.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Attacking them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Harassing them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stalking them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And attempting to Cyberbully them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What makes you think you have the right to even speak on a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thread I make?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are not on topic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The message topic is about a thief on this lists stealing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulnerabilities & exploits.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then turning them in for monetary profit criminally.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fraudulently.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you the Thief?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whyd you respond?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks though.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Really showed me something there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now I can file charges.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:30 PM Zejkie1 <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dang, only three months before the psycho posts to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing list this time? It must be my birthday! Need to get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more popcorn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> though. Also claiming to be a "master" then saying you just 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need a hex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> editor to find the issue is hilarious, good one. Ran out of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> popcorn waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the lawsuit for the - and I quote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " Reaktor was what Gabe Newell, and Aflred made.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STEAM was the Concept, and Name I made.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Far as Intellectual Property Theft.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easily proven.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steam versus Reaktor. There is evidence showing that VALVE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed made Reaktor.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, it was a stolen concept named Steam. That they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> later adopted the name of as well. "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seriously, can someone ban this idiot?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:19 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will state this, and stop.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A lot of Stolen Valor around VALVe and on these lists.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Like how it went from REAKTOR to Steam.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone here remember Alfred, remember back in 2001 to 2003?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The time the list allegedly got hit by a Virus?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The worlds first encryption virus / ransomware was what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VALVe got hit with.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or when someone at VALVe downloaded that virus through a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> link.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And it backdoored HL2 Alpha files from their network?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Valve has stolen much, and made quite a few Enemies over
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the years.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Including their ex developers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For a lot of Intellectual Property Theft.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I point that out. Cause Alfred is gone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And the people there today, are the worst in the industry.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With the sloppiest mash up of mixed programming in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> history of a software developer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decompile VALVes stuff sometime ( I Recommend HxD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decompiler, freeware hexadecimal / machine assembly editor / 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> programming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tool ).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You will see Quake 2 code still in GoldSRC.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You will see HAVOKS physics still in Source.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Havok was the real genius behind the physics engine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone remember how it went from WON slow updating, to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REAKTOR development?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OR how Reaktor became Steam?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not Grid, not Gazelle.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REAKTOR.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shows how much theft, misinformation, and disinformation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is out there about the factual Developer(s) of Steam 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> platform. Versus the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Staff at Valve who stole the concept, and profited off of it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stole all of the communities concepts over the years.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can see why everyone cheats in cs2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or hacks the platform, and rips them off for every game
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> title on the platform.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why the platform is being exploited all of the time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its ok though, a Master never reveals everything.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And not just anyone can speak 1 and 0 fluently.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nor knows what Binary Logic Controller programming using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boolean algebra is.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I digress.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yall be safe with all that wide open script kiddy engine
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit over there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cause the engine for the Client, the Steam Client,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HLDS/SRCDS can all be used as points of attack for anything 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connected to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Steam network.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End Contact.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Applied Physicist
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 4:58 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> About two years ago now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I outlined a POC of a new type of Exploit involving
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Clients / Servers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I explained it on the hlds mailing list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A few months later, someone on this list stole that POC.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Made the bitmap, and got paid by VALVe for an exploit I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> found.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I want that person to respond to this msg.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And admit they are a Thief.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a number of other exploits.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That I never revealed to VALVe or these lists.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Master will never disclose the full knowledge in front
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of amateurs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will state this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HLDS / SRCDS can be used to inject any client with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HLDS / SRCDS can be used to inject STEAM PLATFORM with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything. ( Token Auth Server / VAC ).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And any MAP, MODEL, SKIN, SPRITE, TEXTURE, OR even just a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simple resource file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just like the Spraypaint exploit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Malicious Programming can be embedded into any image
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file, texture file, model file, material file, map file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or in just a malformed packet / file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And transmitted from the HLDS / SRCDS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I dare ya. Try to steal this one and get paid for it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on HackerOne.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thats the difference between an Applied Physicist and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rank amateurs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End Contact.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
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