> This API will be in the form of a C++ "interface" class, i.e a completely
> virtual class. We have some source code here that allows you to easily
> register these interfaces (i.e expose them in your dll) and also some code
> to aquire these interfaces from loaded dlls.
> This email is a little premature on my part as I have yet to review the
> dll/engine interface in detail, but to kick things off, what callback do
> people want in the interface? A basic set would include:
> ClientConnect
> ClientDisconnect
> ClientCommand
> are there any new types of callbacks that would be useful (given your
> knowledge of the HL1 engine that is)?

I think it will be difficult/impossible to predict which interface functions
a plugin application will want/need to get access to.  In the ideal
specification, plugins would have access to all functions between the engine
and the game DLL (in the exact same manner that metamod provides).  This can
be abused by server admins who want to implement server side cheating, but I
would think the number of cases of this would be small.

If there was a clever way of letting plugins hook into only the functions
that they were interested in (via chaining of some sort), then people
writing plugins that only cared about player connects/disconnects could hook
into ClientConnect(), ClientDisconnect().  Plugins that only cared about
"say" messages could only hook into ClientCommand().  Plugins that only
cared about what player model a client was using could hook into
ClientUserInfoChanged(), etc.  The engine could manage these functions in a
similar manner to metamod by keeping a list of which plugins are interested
in which functions and calling them in the order that the plugins were
loaded (possibly calling the game DLL version first to allow plugins to
modify/intercept/change the response from the engine).

I think it would be useful to have a command that clients can issue to the
server to display the list of all plugins that are running on the server
(something that the server operator can't intercept or override).  This
would allow the client to determine if they are connecting to a server that
is running plain vanilla Half-Life code, or connecting to a server that has
some unknown plugins running on it (server admin is cheating?).  I'm not
sure how you'd enforce validity of the plugins in this case though.  I could
easily create a plugin that says I'm running AdminMOD when in fact, I am
running HelpTheServerAdminAimBetterPlugin version 2.1 (especially if this
plugin tells the engine it is "AdminMOD v7.3").  Could there be some way of
PGP signing the plugins so that only people who create the plugins can
register them as who they say they are?  I don't know enough about PGP to
answer this one.

If the goal of the HL2 plugin system is to restrict what plugins are capable
of doing (to prevent server side abuse/misuse), I would think that someone
could still get around this using a "man-in-the-middle" approach between the
Half-Life engine and the game DLL code (unless there's something going on
here akin to the Valve-Anti-Cheat code that verifies that a server is
actually loading the game DLL code and not some hook DLL code instead).  I
wouldn't think this would be the case otherwise Valve would have to sign
each MOD team's DLL in a similar manner to the way Microsoft digitally signs
Xbox games with the secret Xbox private key to allow the Xbox kernel to load
those games.

I think you could take a look at the existing metamod plugins to get a
pretty good idea of what types of applications are desired.  Something on
the scale of AdminMOD would be a very big job and probably would require a
team of people to get it converted over and up and running within the first
few months after HL2 is released.  Some of the smaller plugins (fakefull for
example) could probably be converted over in a weekend (assuming the engine
interface for HL2 was similar to the engine interface for HL).

Plugins that try to get at too much engine internal information would
probably not be easy to convert over, and many plugins are written to adhere
to the behaviour of specific MODs (Counter-Strike especially) so they
wouldn't port over at all.

I would think that people would be more interested in things that other
games have that Half-Life did not.  For example, Unreal's ability to set up
a URL where resources could be downloaded from and automatically redirect
the person to that URL instead of downloading resources via the Half-Life
server network connection.  This is almost impossible with the existing
Half-Life interface since the player can't connect to the server (and MOD
game code) until all of required resources are available, and you can't send
a command to the player's client code telling them where to download the
resources until they have connected to the server (Catch-22).  This type of
situation is obviously better handled at the engine level than at the game
DLL level  The engine should allow server operators to define a URL of where
missing resources can be downloaded from and automatically spawn the
player's Internet browser pointing at the appropriate page if the server is
configured this way.

Another nice feature of Unreal is the ability to have HTTP access built into
the engine (and passed along to the MOD game code).  This makes the ability
to admin the server via web interfaces MUCH easier.  Web apps can even get
at MOD specific information like "How much money is player X carrying at
this moment?"  Or which player on the Red team is currently carrying the
flag?, etc.

I think I'm beginning to wander off of the main topic but if things are
going to be extended, perhaps it would be better to get a list of the
features that the server admins REALLY want.  Maybe have some way of letting
people make suggestions on a forum somewhere and, after the top 100 items
have been collected, let people vote on them.  After the vote is complete,
make sure that you can support the top 20 items (not necessarily fully
coded, but at least have the engine interface that will allow someone to
implement those features).

I'm sure if you open this discussion up to the people on the UA forums
(don't tell them it came from this list), you'll get lots of feedback (some
good, some bad, some indifferent).  That might be the best starting point
for getting a list of what people would really like to see.  Make sure that
they also indicate things that Half-Life currently does support that they
wouldn't want to go away (not just new items that they want added).

Okay, it's getting late, I still have some code that I have to finish
debugging before I go home (it's 8:15pm my time, but I've been here since
7:00am) so I'll shut up for now.

Jeffrey "botman" Broome

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