Sindre wrote:

>although not optimal, it works just fine for most small scale purposes.
>- Sindre
>>===== Original Message From Jason Arden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>>LOL this guy made his Linux installation one big partition... good game.
>>ruwen wrote:
>>>William H. \ Du Chene wrote:
>>>>You could simply put the server on FreeBSD.
>>>>If you were to install FreeBSD 5.2 and the linux binary compatibility
>>>>you may well find that ( on the very same hardware ) the linux server
>>>>run faster and your users do not exprience nearly as much lag than on
>>>>linux installation. Additionally, FreeBSD is very stable, consumes far
>>>>space than a comperable RedHat installation and - IMHO - far easier to
>>>I am interesting in less disk space because I have only small HDDs.
>>>csserver1:/home/ruwen# df -h
>>>Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>>>/dev/sda1             667M  469M  197M  71% /
>>>Does FreeBSD use less diskspace?
>>>greetings ruwen

One BIG partition? I don't think so :)
But making partitions for such a small HDD
isn't usefull imho because u need every MB :)

greetings ruwen

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