I suggest wrapping your server start-up scripts in "nice", and see if that
helps at all.

For example, if you normally have a start-up like this:

     ./srcds_run -secure -game tf

Just add "nice -n #" in front of it like this:

     nice -n 6 ./srcds_run -secure -game tf

Lower the number, the higher the priority.  However, I would not suggest
setting it lower than like 6-9.

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 5:25 PM, pilger <pilger...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey guys!
> Thanks for all the help. The suttering problem is now gone. It was really
> related to the disk I/O latency being screwed up. Since my host moved me to
> another box it is alright again.
> But ever since we moved to the new box, we've been experiencing some weird
> CPU usage that we didn't have before. It's reaching more than 100% with
> less than 18 players.
> The weird thing is that it doesn't get to fill 100% on one core. I also
> have a friend on the same company that's running a server identical as mine
> and his CPU consumption stays at 50~60% with the server filled up (24
> slots).
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