I'm using ruby 2.1.5p273, rails 4.2.4 and Hobo 2.2.3 and after going though 
the wizard and creating a new app I get the following error.

 Rendered front/index.dryml (1982.1ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2001ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

ActionView::Template::Error (wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)):
    1: <page title="Home">
    3:   <body: class="front-page"/>
  app/views/front/index.dryml:1:in `block in render_page'
  app/views/front/index.dryml:1:in `render_page'

within rescues/layout (25.8ms)
within layouts/inlined_string (0.4ms)
within layouts/inlined_string (0.2ms)
within layouts/inlined_string (0.2ms)
within layouts/javascript (11.5ms)
within layouts/javascript (0.3ms)
within layouts/javascript (0.3ms)

I answered the wizard questions as follows.

  Do you want to start the Setup Wizard now?
(Choose 'n' if you need to manually customize any file before running the 
You can run it later with `hobo g setup_wizard` from the application root 
dir.) [y|n] y
    => "y"
 User Resource 
Choose a name for the user resource: [<enter>=user|<custom_name>] 
  => "user"
Do you want to send an activation email to activate the user? [y|n] y
  => "y"
 Invite Only Option 
Do you want to add the features for an invite only website? [y|n] y
  => "y"
Do you want to prevent all access to the site to non-members?
(Choose 'y' only if ALL your site will be private, choose 'n' if at least 
one controller will be public) [y|n] n
  => "n"
 If you wish to prevent all access to some controller to non-members, add 
'before_filter :login_required'
to the relevant controllers:

    include Hobo::Controller::AuthenticationSupport
    before_filter :login_required

(note that the include statement is not required for hobo_controllers)

NOTE: You might want to sign up as the administrator before adding this!
 Templates Option 
Will your application use only hobo/dryml web page templates?
(Choose 'n' only if you also plan to use plain rails/erb web page 
templates) [y|n] n
  => "n"
 Front Controller 
Choose a name for the front controller: [<enter>=front|<custom_name>] 
  => "front"
 Front Theme 
The currently available themes are clean, clean_admin, clean_sidemenu and 
Choose a theme for the front site: [<enter>=bootstrap|<custom_name>] 
  => "clean_sidemenu"
 Front jQuery-UI Theme 
The currently available jQuery-UI themes are listed here: 
Choose a jQuery-UI theme for the front site: 
  => "redmond"
Admin Subsite 
Choose a name for the admin subsite: [<enter>=admin|<custom_name>] 
  => "admin"
The currently available themes are clean, clean_admin, clean_sidemenu and 
Choose a theme for the admin site: [<enter>=clean_admin|<custom_name>] 
  => "clean_admin"
The currently available jQuery-UI themes are listed here: 
Choose a jQuery-UI theme for the admin site: [<enter>=flick|<custom_name>] 
  => "flick"
 DB Migration 
Initial Migration: [s]kip, [g]enerate migration file only, generate and 
[m]igrate: [s|g|m] m
  => "m"
The Hobo supported locales are nb pt-PT fr de it ru es en (please, 
contribute to more translations)
Type the locales (space separated) you want to add to your application or 
<enter> for 'en': 
  => "en"
 Git Repository 
Do you want to initialize a git repository now? [y|n] n
  => "n"

I then ran "rails s" to start the server when I browser to localhost:3000 
the above error appears.  I'm kind of at a loss since this is a base app 
with no changes made.

Thanks for any help


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