Thanks for the link. I also encountered the responders issue you found. I 
have my responders version set to 2.1.0. My move to rails- caused a 
problem because a method signature changed (a true/false parameter was 
added and dryml calls that method without the new true/false parameter). I 
am now back to rails-4.2.4.
My migration failures went away for a while after I had uninstalled a large 
number of gems. The last gem that I uninstalled before everything 
temporarily started working again was the rails gem, which was why I 
thought that I had found a solution by changing rails versions; however, 
the problem came back a couple of days later. I have temporarily added a 
"require rails" line in the hobo script file in hobo-2.2.4/bin. That 
resolves the issue for now; however, modifying base code to resolve an 
intermittent environment problem is hardly a sound long term solution.

On Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 9:30:48 AM UTC-7, Ed Gomolka wrote:
> *This issue is resolved.*
> I figured that I would my discovery in case someone else stumbles across 
> the same problem.
> I recently upgraded to Hobo 2.2.4.
> I got everything to run, but my data migrations kept failing:
> $ jruby -S hobo g migration
> The 'hobo_support' gem is not installed.
> You probably need to set the HOBODEV environment variable to your local 
> hobo git-repository path.
> The message didn't make much sense, as hobo_support 2.2.4 was installed.
> After experimenting with various environment changes without any positive 
> results, I started uninstalling and reinstalling different gems, as well as 
> changing gem versions.
> The problem turned out to be the version of rails that I was using. I was 
> using rails 4.2.5, when I needed rails
> Resolving that fixed the problem.
> hobo_support does not show a direct dependency on rails; 
> presumably there is an indirect dependency.

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