>> Does HOL4 have anything comparable to sets.ml?

> Yes it will have, and it will probably be spread over many source code
> files, but I'm afraid I don't know where this is in the HOL4 source.  This
> is a question for HOL4 community, Michael et al.  I'm more of a HOL Light
> and HOL Zero person.

The counterpart to sets.ml in HOL4 is in


There is also a description of sets in HOL4 in the manual. Start at p. 102
of the HOL4 Description document:



On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 1:49 AM, "Mark" <m...@proof-technologies.com> wrote:
> Hi Bill,
>> Isn't this supposed to be about sets?
> No, HOL is about types.  Tom is informally explaining what the HOL logic is,
> rather than explaining it in terms of some other formal notation (e.g. ZFC
> set theory).
>> Can you explain how the set abstraction/enumerations of sets.ml are
> lambdas?
> It's like I said - a set abstraction is (of course) a set, and so is a set
> enumeration.  Sets in HOL Light and HOL4 are functions to boolean (i.e.
> "predicates").  A lambda is a function.  So therefore one can understand
> how, in HOL Light and HOL4, a set abstraction or enumeration might be a
> lambda.  Maybe I'm misunderstanding what your misunderstanding is...
> I think a problem for you here is that, in HOL Light, it's sometimes not
> easy to see through the syntactic sugar.  The parser will automatically
> parse a set enumeration as ` { 1, 2, 3 }`, whereas it is actually internally
> represented as `1 INSERT (2 INSERT (3 INSERT EMPTY))` (and parsing this
> longhand will give precisely the same internal term).  The pretty printer
> will always print out this internal representation as `{ 1, 2, 3 }`.  To get
> around this in HOL Light and see the true internal representation, I think
> you need to use the destructors 'dest_comb' and 'dest_abs'.  Then, if you
> want to know the definitions of the HOL constants used in the internal
> representation, you can examine the ML state variable 'the_definitions',
> which lists all constant definitions that have been made.
>> Does HOL4 have anything comparable to sets.ml?
> Yes it will have, and it will probably be spread over many source code
> files, but I'm afraid I don't know where this is in the HOL4 source.  This
> is a question for HOL4 community, Michael et al.  I'm more of a HOL Light
> and HOL Zero person.
> Mark.
> on 13/8/12 5:53 AM, Bill Richter <rich...@math.northwestern.edu> wrote:
>> Thanks, Mark!  I looked at Tom Hales's Notices article, as you suggested
>> www.ams.org/notices/200811/tx081101370p.pdf
>> Now Tom is a great mathematician (he's the main reason I'm here), but Tom
> is
>> now an HOL Light expert, and I think mathematicians can't be expected to
>> understand him.  He starts out great:
>> Much day-to-day mathematics is written at a level of abstraction
>> that is indifferent to its exact representation as sets.
>> This layer of abstraction is good news, because it allows us to
>> shift from Zermelo-Fraenkel- Choice (ZFC) set theory to a different
>> foundational system with equanimity and ease.
>> HOL Light is a new axiomatic foundation with types, different from
>> the usual ZFC.
>> That sounds great, but here I want more details:
>> The types are presented in the HOL Light System box.
>> Terms are the basic mathematical objects of the HOL Light system. The
>> syntax is based on Church’s lambda-calculus [to define functions]
>> What is a type?  Compared to a set, I think. What is a term?
>> 1. Types: The collection of types is freely generated from type
>> variables :A,:B,... and type constants :bool (boolean), :ind
>> (infinite type), joined by arrows
>> Isn't this supposed to be about sets?  My code (largely written by John)
>> doesn't obviously obey Tom's rule:
>> new_type("point",0);;
>> new_type_abbrev("point_set",`:point->bool`);;
>> new_constant("Between",`:point->point->point->bool`);;
>> new_constant("Line",`:point_set->bool`);;
>> Maybe I need to read something by Church.
>> 2. `{A,B}` is a set enumeration, not a set abstraction, so I'm not
>> sure why you are pointing to the definition of "INSERT" (which is
>> used in the representation of set enumerations) and then talking
>> about set abstractions.
>> Because it was about all that was explained about sets in the tutorial,
> and
>> because I was intrigued that INSERT was explicitly defined as a lambda in
>> sets.ml.
>> But anyway, any set enumeration or set abstraction is of course a
>> set, and, in HOL Light, any set is a function (as explained by 1.),
>> which is what a lambda is, so there should be no surprise that a
>> set abstraction/enumeration can be expressed as a lambda in HOL
>> Light.
>> Can you explain how the set abstraction/enumerations of sets.ml are
> lambdas?
>> Does HOL4 have anything comparable to sets.ml?
>> Sorry, I had two typos in my last post.  I meant to say
>> let I1 = new_axiom
>> `! A B.  ~(A = B) ==> ?! l. Line l /\  A IN l /\ B IN l`;;
>> says there is a unique "line" containing any two DISTINCT "points".
>> if A, B refer to "points" a & b, then open (A,B) refers to the
>> subset of point consisting of all "points" between a and b.
>> --
>> Best,
>> Bill
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