Hi Ada,

In the first case you're trying to define a function in the HOL logic.

In the second case you're defining a SML function


On 29/11/15 22:15, Ada wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I am learning to use HOL. I find an interesting thing about the use of
> symbol | in HOL4.
> I defined an function named fir, as follows:
> - val fir_def = Define`
>      (fir []  n = [] ) |
>      (fir p 0 = [])`;
> But failed , it responsed that:
> Don't expect to find a | in this position after a <beginning of input>
> at line 5, character 22 and in compiler-generated text.
> Exception raised at Absyn.Absyn:
> in compiler-generated text:
> Don't expect to find a | in this position after a <beginning of input>
> at line 5, character 22 and in compiler-generated text.
> ! Uncaught exception:
> Then, I tried again , as follows:
> - fun fir ([] , n) = []
>     | fir (p ,0 )= [] ;
> It succeeded.
> Now, I have two questions:
> 1、Why  can't  the symbol | be used in "Define"?
> 2、What are the differences between "Define" and "fun"?
> Thanks! --Wish.
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