Sorry, in previous mails I have wrongly copied the KLOP theorems for finite 
version. Below is the correct theorems for infinite version:

   [Klop_0]  Theorem

      |- ∀a. Klop a 0 = ABS_graph ({0},∅)

   [Klop_PROP0]  Theorem

      |- ∀a n N. n ≤ N ⇒ STABLE (lts n (Klop a N))

   [Klop_PROP1]  Theorem

      |- ∀a n E N.
           n ≤ N ⇒
           (lts n (Klop a N) --label a--> E ⇔
            ∃m. m < n ∧ (E = lts m (Klop a N)))

   [Klop_PROP2]  Theorem

      |- ∀a n m N. m < n ∧ n ≤ N ⇒ ¬(lts m (Klop a N) ∼ lts n (Klop a N))

   [Klop_PROP2']  Theorem

      |- ∀a n m N. m < n ∧ n ≤ N ⇒ ¬(lts m (Klop a N) ≈ lts n (Klop a N))

And all my proof scripts can be found at [1]. These’re new developments, 
they’re not in HOL’s example/CCS folder.


> Il giorno 12 ott 2017, alle ore 11:51, Chun Tian <> ha 
> scritto:
> Hi,
> This mail is long, it’s very important for me, and it's a continuation of my 
> previous two big questions in 3 months ago, titled "On the use of new_axiom() 
> in formal projects” and "How to define "infinite sums" of custom datatypes?”.
> The good thing is, I have resolved the previous difficulties in expressing 
> infinite sums in process algebra, and have prevented using an axiom.  I 
> didn’t use the paper of Dr. Andrei Popescu, simply because it’s too hard for 
> my current skills.  I also didn’t use the idea from Michael Norrish, by 
> introducing another larger Datatype:
> Datatype`CCS = … existing def … (* with or without finite/binary sums *)`
> Datatype`bigCCS = SUM (num -> CCS)`
> Because the "infinite sum” in my problem happens at infinite levels, but this 
> “bigCCS” cannot further include itself.
> My solution is to embed LTS (labeled transition system) into CCS datatype:
> val _ = type_abbrev ("LTS", ``:('a ordinal, 'b Action) graph``);
> (* Define the type of (pure) CCS agent expressions. *)
> val _ = Datatype `CCS = nil
>                     | var 'a
>                     | prefix ('b Action) CCS
>                     | sum CCS CCS
>                     | par CCS CCS
>                     | restr (('b Label) set) CCS
>                     | relab CCS ('b Relabeling)
>                     | rec 'a CCS
>                     | lts ('a ordinal) (('a, 'b) LTS)`;
> here the type “:(‘a, ‘b) graph” is my creation in response of providing a 
> general graph theory formalization [1], ‘a is the type of vertex, ‘b is the 
> type of edge label. Currently it’s far from complete, with lots of possibly 
> wrong definitions but no much supporting theorems. But it worked for my 
> current needs. For my problem described in this mail, the structure of this 
> graph doesn’t matter, you can safely think it’s a set (defined by 
> pred_setTheory) with 'a ordinals as vertices.
> The “lts” constructor in above CCS datatype is my creation without knowing 
> any similar work.  the term ``lts r G`` means a rooted LTS, where “r” is a 
> vertex in the graph G, as the root node.   For this new constructor, I have 
> defined a single transition rule:
> val (TRANS_rules, TRANS_ind, TRANS_cases) = Hol_reln `
>    (!E u.                           TRANS (prefix u E) u E) /\                
> (* PREFIX *)
>    (!E u E1 E'.    TRANS E u E1 ==> TRANS (sum E E') u E1) /\         (* SUM1 
> *)
>    (!E u E1 E'.    TRANS E u E1 ==> TRANS (sum E' E) u E1) /\         (* SUM2 
> *)
> ...
>    (!E u E' G.     (E, u, E') IN (TS G)
>               ==> TRANS (lts E G) u (lts E' G)) `;                    (* LTS 
> *)
> That is,  TRANS (lts E G) u (lts E' G) is true if and only if there is a 
> labeled edge E—u—>E’ in the graph G.    The most surprising fact is, after 
> introducing such a new constructor “lts” and its transition rule,   all my 
> previous proved theorems are still working.  The only changes I have to do, 
> is very few theorems in which the TRANS_cases theorem is used, but the 
> additional sub-goal is trivial.
> So, all my definitions like Bisimulation, Weak bisimulation, etc. now also 
> work in pure transition systems (as rooted directed graphs). I feel so happy 
> for having LTS included in my formalization of CCS and prevented for 
> re-defining almost everything again.    And the mixing of LTS and CCS is now 
> also meaningful:   two graphs can be connected directly by algebraic 
> operators, and the combined transition characteristics still make perfect 
> sense.
> Now I have the following so-called Klop process, which is actually an set of 
> “Arbitrary many non-bisimiar process”:
> Klop l n =
>     ABS_graph ({m | m ≤ n},{{p} --label l--> {q} | p ≤ n ∧ q < p}):
> without any new axiom, now I can prove the following properties:
>   [KLOP_PROP0]  Theorem (all these processes are stable, i.e. has no 
> tau-transition)
>      |- ∀a n. STABLE (KLOP a n)
>   [KLOP_PROP1]  Theorem (any transition from such a process, leads to a 
> smaller process by the same generator)
>      |- ∀a n E. KLOP a n --label a--> E ⇔ ∃m. m < n ∧ (E = KLOP a m)
>   [KLOP_PROP1']  Theorem (the same as above, but for weak transition, which 
> is actually strong transition because there’s no tau at all)
>      |- ∀a n E. KLOP a n ==label a=-> E ⇔ ∃m. m < n ∧ (E = KLOP a m)
>   [KLOP_PROP2]  Theorem (two different sized such processes are not strong 
> bisimilar)
>      |- ∀a n m. m < n ⇒ ¬(KLOP a m ∼ KLOP a n)
>   [KLOP_PROP2']  Theorem (two different sized such processes are also not 
> weak bisimilar)
>      |- ∀a n m. m < n ⇒ ¬(KLOP a m ≈ KLOP a n)
> Again, I feel so happy for successfully proved and defined above function and 
> its properties.   Now it remains to use it for proving the ultimate “simple” 
> theorem above process algebra:
> ``!p q. OBS_CONGR p q = !r. WEAK_EQUIV (sum p r) (sum q r)``   (observation 
> congruence is the coarsest congruence contained in weak bisimulation)
> Now it’s touching my question and two difficulties:
> The proof of above theorem has been reduced to: finding a special process K, 
> which is not (weak) bisimilar with any node in the transition graph of two 
> given processes p and q.  The informal proof [2] is like this:
>       “Let c be the smallest infinite cardinal, such that NODES(p) and 
> NODES(q) has less than c nodes. So there are less than c processes in 
> NODES(p) and NODES(q).   Then there’s a tau-free process K with NODES(K) < c, 
> such that k is not bisimiar with any nodes in NODES(p) and NODES(q),     
> BECAUSE: for each infinite cardinal c there are c ordinals smaller than c.”
> If I've learnt correctly, in standard set theory, all cardinals are ordinals, 
> but the reverse is not true, because not every ordinals “has the same number 
> (as itself) of smaller ordinals”.    But in HOL’s currently formalization, 
> cardinalTheory is depended by ordinalTheory, and ordinalTheory didn’t define 
> “cardinal numbers” at all.    Whenever an informal proof says "Let xxx be the 
> smallest infinite cardinal, such that …”, I don’t know how to formalize it at 
> all, because there’s no concept of “cardinal (number)” that I can use.
> Further more, my Klop function has the type:    ‘a ordinal -> (‘a, ‘b) CCS.   
> I have no way to change the first type variable to ‘c so that it’s 
> independent with type variables used in CCS, because ordinal numbers were 
> actually written as part of the CCS processes (as vertices in the lts graph). 
>   But this means I have no way to use my previous proved theorem:
>  [ONE_ONE_IMP_NOTIN]  Theorem
>      |- ∀A f. ONE_ONE f ⇒ ∃n. f n ∉ A
> which is based on “univ_ord_greater_cardinal” in ordinalTheory.   Because the 
> type unification will fail:  for any set of type ``(:’a, ‘b) CCS -> bool``, I 
> have no way to say there’s always a bigger ‘a ordinal, which is “larger” than 
> the “cardinality” of the set.    Also please noticed that, now my CCS is at 
> least as large as the “set" of all ‘a ordinals, because I do can inject each 
> single ordinals into a CCS process, i.e. my Klop function defined above.
> I hope I’ve explained well for my two questions, let me summarize them again:
> 1. How to express the cardinality of a set as “cardinal numbers” in HOL?
> 2. How to find a larger ordinal for a set of custom-defined datatype, when 
> their type variables are related?
> Best regards,
> Chun Tian
> [1] 
> [2] van Glabbeek, R.J.: A characterisation of weak bisimulation congruence. 
> Lecture notes in computer science. 3838, 26–39 (2005).

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