Please include the mailing list in your replies. I do not know what you
are doing. Anyway, this does not look like HOL4. Are you using HOL
Light? I only know about HOL4. Removing the quantifier will usually be
done internally by the subsequent tactic that requires using the
proposition with a specific specialization of “n” and there is no need
to specialize the assumption manually.

On 03/07/18 14:31, Dylan Melville wrote:
> I’m trying to prove a statement about Induction Schemas, after. Breaking
> assumptions into hypotheses I’m left with 
> val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)
>   0 [`isExprType f (TyBiCons "fun" (TyVar "num") (TyBase "bool"))`]
>   1 [`~isFreeIn (QuoVar "n" (TyBase "num")) f`]
>   2 [`isPeano f`]
>   3 [`(eval (f) to (num->bool)) 0`]
>   4 [`!n. (eval (f) to (num->bool)) n ==> (eval (f) to (num->bool)) (SUC
> n)`]
> `(eval (f) to (num->bool)) n`
> What I need help with only pertains to assumption 4 and the goal.
> f was originally universally quantified across the entire original term
> and so was n in all statements where it is free. I assumed that it would
> be easier to manipulate the expressions in the way I want without the
> quantifications, but I am fairly new, so if as you say most theorems /
> tactical handle the universal quantification seamlessly maybe I’m wrong.
> Otherwise, I’d like to strip the forall from the 4th assumption.
>> On Jul 3, 2018, at 3:23 PM, Mario Xerxes Castelán Castro
>> < <>> wrote:
>> An hypothesis of the form “∀x. P” where “x” occurs free in P is stronger
>> than just “P” (that is, the former entails the later). Many tactics have
>> built-in specialization, so it depends on what you want to do. Can you
>> provide more details?
>> On 03/07/18 14:18, Dylan Melville wrote:
>>> Is there any tactical that can take universal quantification off of a
>>> hypothesis like how GEN_TAC does with the goal?
>>> -Dylan
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