You need to define a helper function that has as its state not only the llist 
that is being consumed but also a Boolean indicating whether or not to stop 
(because a P-satisfying element has been seen).

- - 
val until0_def =
    new_specification ("until0_def", ["until0"],
      ISPEC ``λbll. if FST bll then NONE
                    else if SND bll = [||] then NONE
                    else if P (THE (LHD (SND bll))) then
                      SOME ((T, THE (LTL (SND bll))), THE (LHD (SND bll)))
                    else SOME ((F, THE (LTL (SND bll))), THE (LHD (SND bll)))``
            llist_Axiom_1 |> Q.GEN ‘P’ |> CONV_RULE (HO_REWR_CONV SKOLEM_THM));

val until0_T =
    until0_def |> Q.SPEC `P` |> Q.SPEC ‘(T, ll)’ |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) []

val until0_FCONS =
  until0_def |> Q.SPEC `P` |> Q.SPEC ‘(F, h:::t)’ |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) []
             |> SIMP_RULE bool_ss [COND_RAND, Once COND_RATOR]
             |> SIMP_RULE bool_ss [Once COND_RATOR]
             |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [until0_T]

val until0_FNIL =
  until0_def |> Q.SPEC `P` |> Q.SPEC ‘(F, [||])’ |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) []

val until_def = Define‘until P ll = until0 P (F, ll)’

val until_thm = LIST_CONJ (map (SIMP_RULE bool_ss [GSYM until_def])
                               [until0_FNIL, until0_FCONS])
- - 


From: Waqar Ahmad via hol-info <>
Reply-To: Waqar Ahmad <>
Date: Tuesday, 7 August 2018 at 03:26
To: hol-info <>
Subject: [Hol-info] Partial Function on lazy list

Hi all, 

Is there any easy way to define the following partial function on lazy list

val recur_llist_fn_def = Define
`recur_llist_fn P w =
 if P (THE (LHD w)) then [|THE (LHD w)|]
 else (THE (LHD w)):::(recur_llist_fn P (THE (LTL w)))`;

Otherwise, I can also include the LNIL case as

val recur_llist_fn_def = Define
`recur_llist_fn P w = if (w = [||]) then [||] else
 if P (THE (LHD w)) then [|THE (LHD w)|]
 else (THE (LHD w)):::(recur_llist_fn P (THE (LTL w)))`;

but I'm having issue to write its corresponding axiomatic form for 


!f. ?g. !x. g x = case f x of NONE => [||] | SOME (a,b) => b:::g a

Particularly for  P (THE (LHD w)) what will be SOME (?)....

Any suggestion or thoughts? 

Waqar Ahmad, Ph.D.
Post Doc at Hardware Verification Group (HVG)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Concordia University, QC, Canada

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