Don’t use abbreviations before starting your proof: it’s muddling your 
Instead, use
   !s.  (?s0. s = StreamD s0) /\ P s ==> streams A s
as your goal and follow with
   ho_match_mp_tac streams_coind >> dsimp[]
You will then end up with

       P (StreamD s0) ⇒
       ∃a s0'. (StreamD s0 = a:::StreamD s0') ∧ a ∈ A ∧ P (StreamD s0')
as your goal.

From: Waqar Ahmad via hol-info <>
Reply-To: Waqar Ahmad <>
Date: Tuesday, 28 August 2018 at 13:53
To: hol-info <>
Subject: [Hol-info] Lazy list: Stream in coinduction


I see that the coinduction scheme obtained from coinductively definition 
predicate, in some cases, may require lazy list must not be LNIL. For instance,
using the LUNFOLD, I've defined the stream function mainly to rule out the LNIL 
case as:

|- StreamD xs = LUNFOLD (\n. SOME (THE (LTL n),THE (LHD n))) xs: thm

However, when I use it to for proving some useful properties over streams, 
which is defined coinductively as:

|- !A a s. a IN A /\ streams A s ==> streams A (a:::s): thm

and the resulting coinductive scheme produced is:

|- !A streams'.
          (!a0. streams' a0 ==> ?a s. (a0 = a:::s) /\ a IN A /\ streams' s) ==>
          !a0. streams' a0 ==> streams A a0: thm

Suppose, I've a property of form:

`P (StreamD s) ==> streams A (StreamD s)`

By abbreviating the 'xs = StreamD s', I applied the coinduction scheme and ends 

?a xs'. (xs = a:::xs') /\ a IN A /\ Abbrev (xs' = xs) /\ P xs'
     0.  Abbrev (xs = StreamD s)
     1.  P xs

The first conjunction can be easily made true by using `LHD xs` and `LTL xs`. 
This also require that the lazy list 'xs' should not be LNIL, which can also be 
easily inferred (from premise 0). However, this makes Abbrev (LTL xs =  xs) 

Is there any way that I can use the coinduction scheme directly such that I can 

   ∃a xs'. (StreamD xs = a:::xs') ∧ a ∈ A ∧ P xs'
     0.  P xs

Waqar Ahmad, Ph.D.
Post Doc at Hardware Verification Group (HVG)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Concordia University, QC, Canada
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