The following data types are defined in HOL4. 
                    val _ = Datatype `                          coordinate = <| 
                                    x_axis: real;                               
      y_axis: real;                                     z_axis: real            
                  |> `;                    val _ = Datatype `                   
         chromosome = <|                                    r: num;             
                       b: num;                                    distance: 
real;                                    rx: coordinate;                        
            path: coordinate list;                                    bx: 
coordinate                                |> `;
                    val ch = ``ch: chromosome``;
                    val pop = ``pop: chromosome list``;
         val get_def = Define `
             get pop = !ch  if (Certain condition) then (ch with <| distance := 
ch.distance + 1000 |>)
                   else (ch with <| distance := ch.distance |>)`;
    Given a pop(:chromosome list),ch is an element in pop. For any ch, if a 
certain condition is met, the value of distance in ch is increased by 1000 on 
the basis of the original value, otherwise it is unchanged. How to achieve this?
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