Dear HOL4 and Isabelle community,

the sole purpose of this email is to have your attention on a recent pull
request on HOL4:

where I was trying to formalize Fubini's theorem (in Lebesgue Integrals)
but was blocked somehow by HOL4's new arithmetic definitions of extended
reals (extreal), i.e. the addition/subtraction of infinities.

In short words, I feel that the statements of this classical result
(Fubini's theorem) by *Guido Fubini* (1879-1943) are not sufficient,
because its proof seems inevitably relied on the forbidden part of extreal
arithmetics.   As a result, Fubini's theorem in its original statements has
been or (can be) formalized in Isabelle/HOL, Lean and Mizar, but not in
latest HOL4 where `PosInf + NegInf` is unspecified.

Thanks in advance for your opinions and comments!


Chun Tian
hol-info mailing list

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