Call for Participation: POPL'23 
January 15--21, 2023, Boston
Registration now open: (Early registration ends Fri, 
Dec 16!)

POPL'23 --- The 50th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages, will be held in Boston, MA, from January 15 to January 21,
2023. The annual POPL meeting is a forum for the discussion of all
aspects of programming languages and programming systems. This year
marks POPL's 50th anniversary, and will bring POPL back to the site of
its first occurrence: Boston, Massachusetts. The symposium is
sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGACT and ACM
SIGLOG. This year's program consists of 74 research papers on a wide
variety of topics. The registration is now open, see POPL'23 website
for details.

Location: POPL’23 will be held in person in Boston from Sunday,
January 15 to Saturday, January 21, 2023. The conference will be held
at the Boston Park Plaza hotel, just steps away from the beautiful
Boston Common.

POPL'23 will feature a keynote lectures by Viktor Vafeiadis.

TutorialFest at POPL will host a wide variety of exciting tutorials,
"Deductive Verification of Probabilistic Programs" by Benjamin Lucien Kaminski, 
Joost-Pieter Katoen, and Christoph Matheja
"Incorrectness Logic and Under-approximation: Foundations of Bug Catching" by 
Quang Loc Le, Peter O'Hearn, and Azalea Raad
"Isabelle/HOL: Foundations, Induction, and Coinduction" by Andrei Popescu, and 
Dmitriy Traytel
"Neurosymbolic Programming" by Swarat Chaudhuri, Atharva Sehgal, Jennifer Sun, 
and Yisong Yue
"QuickChick: Combining Random Testing and Verification in Coq" by Leonidas 
"RUST: Regions, Uniqueness, Ownership & Types" by James Noble and Tobias 
"Using a Proof Assistant to Teach PL Theory, Without the Overhead" by Jonathan 
Aldrich and John Boyland
"Z3 Internals -- A guide to principles, art and empirics of programming SMT 
solvers" by Nikolaj Bjørner


POPL'23 will include the following events for helping attendees with
research and career opportunities in programming languages:
Programming Languages and Mentoring Workshop (PLMW)
Junior Faculty Mentoring Breakfast
Mentoring Breakfast for Graduating PhDs and Postdocs

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:

POPL is committed to welcoming and fostering participation by diverse
members of PL community. DEI events at POPL'23 include
Women@POPL Lunch

Co-located meetings:
Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) 2023
24th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages
(PADL) 2023
23rd International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract
Interpretation (VMCAI) 2023

Co-located workshops:
Eighth International Workshop on Coq for Programming Languages (CoqPL)
Seventh International Workshop on Languages for Inference (LAFI)
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM)
Workshop on Principles of Secure Compilation (PriSC)
Programming Languages and the Law (ProLaLa)
First Workshop on the Implementation of Type Systems (WITS)

Organizing Committee:
Andrew C. Myers (General Chair)
Amal Ahmed (PC Chair)
Ilya Sergey (Industrial Relations)
Kristopher Micinski (Publicity)
William Bowman and Anders Miltner (Workshops)
Jeehoon Kang and Danfeng Zhang (Student Research Competition)
Leonidas Lampropoulos and Mukund Raghothaman (Artifact Evaluation)
Kostas Ferles and Yuepeng Wang (Web)
Shraddha Barke and Konstantinos Kallas (Student Volunteer)
Benjamin Delaware (Accessibility, Diversity, and Inclusion)
Guilherme Espada (Video)
Apoorv Ingle (Virtualization)
Neringa Young (Treasury and Conference Manager)

Industry Sponsors:

POPL'23 gratefully acknowledges financial support from industry sponsors:
Platinum: Jane Street, ahrefs, Epic Games, and Input | Output
Silver: JetBrains
Bronze: Certik, Certora, and Google
PLMW Gold: Jane Street
PLMW Silver: Galois
Early stage: Veridise
Women@POPL: Tarides

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