On 19/12/2014 13:47, joel jaeggli wrote:
> On 12/18/14 4:39 PM, Jim Gettys wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Brian E Carpenter
>> <brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com <mailto:brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     On 19/12/2014 11:22, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
>>     > Shouldn't we reduce the amount of cross-posting at some point?
>>     >
>>     >>> mptcp, I'm told, is likely to show up in Apple and Google
>>     products and
>>     >>> infrastructure, and my idea (and many others) is that you
>>     don't always have
>>     >>> to pick the perfect address for the SYN, just one that works,
>>     but rather one
>>     >>> can add better addresses as one discovers them.
>>     >
>>     >> But bad luck if you need UDP.
>>     >
>>     >> Some form of intelligent probing does seem to be the answer,
>>     >
>>     > I'd like to attract your attention to the work that Matthieu
>>     Boutier has
>>     > been doing on mosh, Keith Winstein's UDP-based ssh replacement:
>>     >
>>     >   http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.mosh.devel/749
>>     >
>>     > Boutier's version of mosh builds connections across all
>>     source/destination
>>     > pairs, and picks the one with lowest RTT.
>>     Sounds interesting. In the ideal world, that would be a pluggable
>>     policy algorithm. Lowest RTT may not always be the best choice.
>>     NAROS* suggested distributing policy from a single source, for
>>     example.
>>     The point about shim6, of course, is that allows you to change
>>     horses in midstream without bothering the transport layer.
>>     It's a real shame we don't know how to deploy it, especially
>>     for homenets where nobody manages the routing policy.
>> ​
>> What were the problems with getting shim6 deployed? 
> need a time machine
> https://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog35/presentations/schiller.pdf

Well, let's not start that argument again. Shim6 was never intended to
address operator's concerns, so it didn't. The real world problems are

1. Most firewalls drop packets containing the shim6 extension header.

2. When shim6 switches addresses, the packets get a big bigger and
that might reveal a PMTUD problem.

3. Absent SADR in the exit router, shim6 has a high chance of falling
victim to BCP38 filtering.

More details:
H. Naderi & B.E. Carpenter, Putting SHIM6 into Practice,
Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference
(ATNAC 2014),
Melbourne (November 2014).


>> There appear to have been 
>> ​a Linux implementation, and if the idea now has merit, that is enough
>> of the market (which is very responsive) ​
>> ​to get significant deployment, and to do so quickly. (codel/fq_codel
>> went from concept to shipping code is under 3 months, with wide test
>> deployment in a year, and now becoming default).  We aren't talking
>> about 5 year product cycles any more.
>> As to policy, the home routers themselves give us a place to enable
>> people to state the policy they want (e.g. only use the LTE upstream
>> if the cheap broadband service is unavailable...).
>>                                     - Jim
>>        Brian
>>     * C. Launois, O. Bonaventure, and M. Lobelle. The NAROS approach
>>     for IPv6
>>     multihoming with traffic engineering. volume 2811 of Lecture Notes in
>>     Computer
>>     Science, pages 112–121. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.
>>     > It's a work in progress --
>>     > there are multiple versions, and Matthieu has yet to decide which
>>     > implementation he's going to submit for inclusion in mainline mosh.
>>     >
>>     > We hope to write that stuff down when Matthieu has decided which
>>     is the
>>     > "right" version, but I'm not promising any hard deadlines -- we
>>     have a lot
>>     > of stuff that we want to write down.
>>     >
>>     >> but certainly that needs to be generic because we cannot expect
>>     >> all apps developers to reinvent it.
>>     >
>>     > Uh-huh.  But there's only one thing that's worse than
>>     generalising from
>>     > one example -- it's generalising from zero eexamples.
>>     >
>>     >> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-naderi-ipv6-probing recently.
>>     >
>>     > I'll have a look, thanks for the pointer.
>>     >
>>     > -- Juliusz
>>     >
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