In message <>
Brian E Carpenter writes:
> Admittedly 6renum was targetted at enterprise networks, partly because
> of the
> observation that homenets renumber anyway after every power cut. But
> we have spent a lot of cycles on this issue.
> and maybe it's time to revive
>    Brian


To summarize my prior inelegantly made point:

  Perhaps the emphasis should not be on "network renumbering is hard"
  encouraging further whining.  The emphasis should not be on "network
  renumbering does not need to be hard but can be very hard if certain
  bad network management practices are followed".

Through some coincidence or bad karma, my colocation provider arranged
for a quick demo.  I was typing through an slogin when I noticed no
response.  To make a long story short the colo provider planned
renumbered into a new IPv6 space, sent a mass email which is probably
in my spam folder (to: undiclosed; bcc: ..the world..), and then did
the renumber.

When I called and heard about this it didn't really bother me partly
since it Sunday.  IPv4 still worked so I could recover.

First fix all of my stored config files in one shot.

  foreach f ( `find * -type f | xargs grep -l 2001:550:3800` )
    sed < $f > $f.tmp -e 's,<old>,<new>,g' && mv $f.tmp $f

Then push these out to one bhyve host and two VM.

  gmake REMOTE_HOST=<host> REMOTE_USER=root SSH_AF_ARG=-4 install

Then slogin to each and compare old and new:

  sh -cmp | & less

After that check update it

  sh -destdir / -targethost <host>

Then for the VM with jails check first

  foreach j ( <list of jail names> )
    sh -cmp -destdir /j0/$j -targethost $j |& less

then update

  /etc/rc.d/jail stop
  foreach j ( <list of jail names> )
    sh -config-only -destdir /j0/$j -targethost $j

then restart the VMs (old interface was used new one is shown):

  /etc/bhyve/rc.d/<host> restart

Done with everything at the colo site.

Then figure out (very easily, look in a file) who is running a caching
nameserver with DNS secondaries configured to the old addresses.

  if it is not a jail:

    gmake REMOTE_HOST=<host> REMOTE_USER=root SSH_AF_ARG=-4 install

  if it is a jail then on the supporting host:

    sh -config-only -destdir /j0/<host> -targethost <host>


    ssh <host> -l root /usr/local/etc/rc.d/named stop
    ssh <host> -l root rm -f /etc/named/s/*
    ssh <host> -l root /usr/local/etc/rc.d/named start

Done with all hosts

Now just fix DNS glue records at the registrar and done.

The whole thing was under two hours including adding the SSH_AF_ARG
support to a bunch of gmake .mk files.

  2 rackmount servers
  1 destop (DNS only)
  4 VM on the 3 rackmounts
  16 jails on the 4 VMs

  rebuild zone files, named.conf (part of the gmake)
  update sendmail config files
  all system files such as rc.conf and sshd_config
  web server config including virtual host configs

unaffected were kdc and svn server (no fixed addresses).

This was all done remotely (since I still had working IPv4).

Not terribly painful.  But it could have been.  Not planned, but a
quick demo of renummbering something that looks a bit more like an
enterprise network than a homenet (because it is).


ps- and no these gmake files and perl and shell stuff is not yet
available anywhere.  Sorry.

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