Hello Ralph, 

Thanks for your comments.

> Here are my last call comments on draft-ietf-homenet-prefix-assignment:
> "implementing reliable broadcast" seems like an imprecise specification of 
> "Flooding Mechanism". Exactly what characteristics are desired for the 
> Flooding Mechanism: reliable delivery of the state of "published Assigned 
> Prefixes" within some time limit?

I also believe ‘Reliable Broadcast’ does not help understanding what the 
flooding mechanism is.
What about this definition ?
OLD: A mechanism implementing reliable broadcast and used to advertise 
published Assigned Prefixes.
NEW: A Mechanism allowing participating nodes to share information with all 
other participating nodes. 

> Might seem like a nit ... but what is a "node"?  Always a router?  Can it be 
> a host?  Is it some abstract function that can appear in either a host or a 
> router?

Any device implementing the algorithm. May be a host, a router, a human... I 
mean, the algorithm is not specific to IP, so it may be anything.

> Editorial: in the definition of Private Link, "requesting router" would be a 
> better term than "client" (see RFC 3633).

Good point. Thanks.

> Are Shared Links identified in some way in the mechanism?  If so, how?  I see 
> the phrase "there never is more than one Assigned Prefix per Delegated Prefix 
> and Link pair", but I don't see how a Link is identified.  Similarly, "The 
> Assigned Prefix is advertised through the Flooding Mechanism as assigned to 
> its associated Link"  Or maybe I'm missing something and the identification 
> isn't necessary?

It is necessary, but out of the scope of the document. Because it strongly 
relies on the context, e.g., whether links are numbered or not, or the type of 
For instance, in HNCP, we use a 32bits integer to identify node's interfaces. 
HNCP then uses neighboring information to know if a prefix is assigned on a 
directly connected interface, and if so on which one.


- Pierre

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