On 13/07/2015 02:30, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
> I'm wondering if there isn't some interaction between Redirect messages and 
> source-specific routing that we're overlooking. 
> RFC 4861 Section 8.3 says the following:
>    Redirect messages apply to all flows that are being sent to a given
>    destination.  That is, upon receipt of a Redirect for a Destination
>    Address, all Destination Cache entries to that address should be
>    updated to use the specified next-hop, regardless of the contents of
>    the Flow Label field that appears in the Redirected Header option.
> It does not speak of the source address, so I assume that this applies to all 
> sources. 

It definitely should not, since in some topologies that might send packets
directly to a BCP38 filter. I think that's a 6man issue. I might even have to
modify my slides for 6man.


> Consider the following topology:
>    ---- A ---+--- B ----
>              |
>              H
> If A and B advertise non-overlapping source-specific default routes and H is 
> multiplexing its traffic over source addresses in
> both source prefixes (say, it's using MP-TCP), its Destination Cache entry 
> will flap between A and B.
> If I'm right, that argues in favour of an update to RFC 4861.
> -- Juliusz
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