On 16.9.2015, at 23.09, Spencer Dawkins at IETF <spencerdawkins.i...@gmail.com> 
> Do you think we should insert some sort of disclaimer there about the default 
> value to avoid potential misdesign?
> I haven't seen people tripping over using TCP keep-alives and assuming they'd 
> be more responsive than they are lately, but I have seen that happen a bunch 
> of times in my life ...
> If you think making a text change would be helpful, I'd suggest simply 
> removing the reference to "or TCP keep-alive". If any other way of detecting 
> liveness is available, it’s probably faster than two hours, so TCP 
> keep-alives would likely be a last-ditch defense in any case.

I (slightly) prefer including the second example especially as it is the 
traffic/implementation minimizing option (given TCP transport). So I think I 
will leave it there.

Only case where it really hits the TCP k-a interval anyway is if _nothing_ in 
the DNCP network changes during the k-a interval, otherwise the connection 
would hit the (potentially tuned) RFC1122’s R2 anyway. That would guarantee 
dropping of connections that seem not to propagate fresh state change 
correctly. In my experience, I have yet to encounter a DNCP use case (and I 
have seen so far 4 distinct ones) where that 2 hour limit would be really 
encountered anyway => ’something else’ would take care of it faster than the 
TCP k-a if the network is really functioning, and if not, k-a would sort it out 
‘eventually’ for e.g. a lone node that gets network partitioned away from other 



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