> On 17.9.2015, at 19.22, Benoit Claise <bcla...@cisco.com> wrote:
> Instead of focusing on the specific questions/answers, the key message is.
> The applicability section doesn’t answer my questions: when to (re-)use this 
> protocol?

I still rephrase my previous answer - the one sentence that summarizes (what 
intro + applicability statement detain more detail) is: do you want to 
synchronize a small set of TLV tuples that changes relatively infrequently 
across a set of nodes, or not.

To expand it somewhat, most ‘application’ protocols can be more or less modeled 
as client-server (potentially hierarchical - hello DHCP), or distributed state 
sharing (e.g. link-state routing protocols, Pierre’s recent prefix assignment 
RFC). DNCP-profile defined TLV _transport_ can be used for either (it would be 
trivial to e.g. encapsulate DHCPv6 if you felt like it, not like it were a good 
idea). DNCP _state synchronization_ is just for the latter, and optimized for 
the case noted above.

I still do not know what to do about the text though.


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