Dick Martz wrote:
> "GUSTAV MAHLER, the director, conductor, and composer, whose Fifth Symphony
> will be the programme feature ........
> Note that Max Hess, who had premiered the horn obligato in Linz, was not the
> principal in Boston at this time.

Hans Pizka replied:
>Sorry, Dick, Max Hess premiered Mahler no.5 NOT in Linz but in Cologne, 1904.

Dick Martz again:
> Oops. Thanks for that correction to my misreading.  I saw "Liszt Society
> Orchestra" and read LINZ. D'oh!

The Liszt Society was active in sponsoring concerts of new music, but in the
case of Mahler's 5th the orchestra was the excellent Gürzenich Orchester of
Cologne -- extant letters document the negotiations between Mahler and
Gürzenich Music Director Fritz Steinbach prior to the world premiere.

The Gürzenich Orchester remains a fine ensemble. It is a pleasure to guest
with them, and many of their players are regular guests here in Aachen (and
towards the end of this season two of their hornists/Wagner tubists are
coming to fill out our section for Bruckner's 8th in a performance that
marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Sinfonie Orchester

William Melton
Hauset (B) / Aachen (D)

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