"LT" (it would be nice to know who I'm addressing, but that is another
issue, entirely),

I think that you may have misread my posting(s) about Strauss' Etudes. It
is not that they are unknown to me and others, they just don't seem to have
gone beyond the pencil copies residing in the Richard Strauss Archives. It
is possible that I am wrong on this, but I would imagine that there is no
reason you couldn't be the one to bring them into print, assuming that it
is worth your trouble. The citations of the first few measures that appear
in the thematic catalog that Trenner has put together make two things clear
to me. One is that they were written when he was approximately 13 years old
and therefore way before he wrote anything that resembles "Strauss" as most
horn players know him. The other is that both of them launch into the
register above (concert) F (our "high" C) immediately. If this is your cup
of tea, then I suggest contacting the RSA and inquiring about the
possibility of studying the MS and copying it for your own use or
publication. I have no idea what the archives' response would be but why
not give it a try? I'd be curious to know what happens.

Feel free to contact me offlist if any of this needs clarification or if
you want more info.


Peter Hirsch

<message: 10
<date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 01:10:02 EST
<subject: Re: [Hornlist] Strauss Horn etudes
<No, I wasn't talking about Brahms or Franz Strauss, I was talking about
<Richard Strauss.  He composed two early horn etuds, one in Eflat and one
in E. Im
<really surprised no one has heard of these. Not even Hans?

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