Thanks to some connections I have I was able to purchase house seats for a
performance of Giulio Cesare a few days before the broadcast that is
mentioned and got to sit in the second row with a clear view of the horn
section. The playing was exactly as cited (though my wife went to a
performance later in the run that was not quite as scary-perfect). A few
interesting things that I noted were that Julie used an assistant for "Va
tacito" to give her a handful of split-seconds presumably to take the
mouthpiece off of the embouchure, mostly on lower notes in the midst of
long solo lines. The effect of her playing that night is hard to describe,
except to say that it was so secure in tone and centered in pitch that it
did not feel possible that she would fail to nail any of the concert F's
(and she didn't). Later, in the third act, the horns played in antiphonal
pairs from opposite ends of the (huge) pit. The G-pair were on my side and
it was again almost too perfect to be believed as they sang their way up to
high G. This is not to say that it was musically lacking in any way.

Aside from that, the singing and acting was surprisingly good considering
the odds against performing 18th century opera in 3,000 seat house with
modern instruments. David Daniels was astounding as Caesar once one got the
countertenor thing resolved in one's ear and mind. The opera really has too
much music but it is all really first rate and the duet for Caesar and
Cleopatra at the end was as beautiful as it was powerful, particularly
after what felt like 100 arias in a row.

I meant to report on this back when it was fresh, but never got around to
it, so I am glad it came up here now.

Peter Hirsch (and not Hirsh or Hiersch)

<date: Tue, 29 May 2007 11:04:37 -0700
<from: Howard Sanner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<subject: [Hornlist] Re: Haendel solos
<There's an interlude in Act III of Giulio Cesare for four horns. The
<Met section did a bang up job on it (and Landsman a fine one on I see
<a huntsman) during the broadcast in April. Jaw droppingly good even by
<their standards, which is saying a mouthful, IMNSHO. (And yes, I am
<positive Landsman and her section were playing.)
<Howard Sanner

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