Hello, Horn Players.

    Some of you know that I have terrible health. I was born
with a rare trait for a Bad Liver, and typical with that
syndrome, I had gall stones and ulcers for decades, beginning
in infancy. Then I had NINE Documented episodes of
Jaundice from Hepatitis! (Being able to survive Three
Jaundice Episodes is Extremely Rare, but all of this is
Standard with this genetic syndrome of Thalassemia Minor.)

    At age 43, 12 years ago in 1997, I was diagnosed with
Adult Onset Diabetes (which is also called "Type 2 Diabetes").
Now having 2 Major Glands behaving Erratically, due to Two
Different Genetically Caused Diseases (meaning that neither is
curable), they soon worsened into one of the Worst Cases of
Diabetic Complications in World History! I go stone cold
Unconscious for one hour to eight hours each time, in what
are called "Diabetic Black-Outs".

    They have greatly speeded up over the years. In the first
4 1/2 that I started keeping a Diabetic Log Book, I only had
14 Diabetic Black-Outs. But in the next 4 1/2 years I had
315 more, and that was in August 2007, when I Finally got
into Federal Court and Won my Disability Case! In the 2
years since then, I have had OVER 600 More!

    But to prepare for court in August 2007, I had to xerox All
9 Years of my Diabetic Log Books, and print up a Statistical
Study (which I keep updated), and THAT is how we noticed
this frightening pattern of how Fast they are Occurring! In the
last 18 months, they now happen on an Average of 28 times
per Month! Sometimes I won't have a Diabetic Black-Out for
a whole one or two days, but then I will have 2, 3 or 4 on
another day of that same week!

    It normally takes a person Two Years to get Social Security/
Disability in the US, but I have been DIRECTLY OPPOSED
by TWO Powerful, Famous US Politicians, so it took me
EIGHT Years to get it! Janet Napolitano (Democrat) was the
Governor of Arizona during those years and Senator John
McCain (Republican) is the same man who ran for US
President against Mr. Obama. THEY are the reason why I Am
STILL BLOCKED from ever getting any help from the US
News Media or any Arizona Resident Attorney. After 6 1/2
years of NOT having an attorney, I went to the "Binder and
Binder" Attorneys in New York City and within another year-
and-a-half, I WON my case!

    Janet Napolitano has been a close friend of Mr. Obama's
for many years. She helped him get elected President, and
he recently made her Head of Homeland Security. During
the Bush Presidency, the "Patriot Act" was started, which
VOIDS many US Constitutional Rights, and Homeland
Security is now In Charge using the "Patriot Act" to Violate
the Rights of Any Citizen in Any Country on earth! Mr.
Obama KNOWS what she has done to me, Bear Woodson,
for the last 10 years, and he Endorses and Promotes her

    So if Janet Napolitano decides she doesn't like someone,
she can kidnap anyone, anywhere on earth to "Guantanamo"
them ("throw them in prison for years, WITHOUT an
attorney, nor day in court, nor ever be heard from again to
the public nor news media"). She can then Claim it is
"justified" for US Security according to HER! She has
recently Threatened to "Guantanamo" ME, Bear Woodson,
for the crimes of: "writing concertos, inventing fugues,
having Diabetic Black-Outs, and publicly complaining that
Janet Napolitano is corrupt".

    Since 1999, Janet Napolitano has succeeded in blocking
me from getting a voice in American News Media, and I
am STILL BLOCKED from getting an Attorney! Criminals
are Guaranteed an Attorney, but Bear Woodson is NOT!
Illegal Aliens are granted Health Care EASILY, but Bear
Woodson was BLOCKED for EIGHT Years, and then had
to use Non-Arizona Attorneys! Do YOU really want Janet
Napolitano doing this to You, if you should dare speak out
against her, even if you live in another country?

    As of today, August 20, 2009, I have had 940 (yes, NINE
HUNDRED and FORTY) Diabetic Black-Outs, each lasting
for an hour or longer of being totally Unconscious! These
have been LEGALLY DOCUMENTED by doctors, nurses,
paramedics, an Internationally famous Endocrinologist, and
confirmed by the US Federal Court in August 2007 as True
Facts! I am even being investigated lately by the American
Diabetes Association, Centers for Disease Control, World
Health Organization and Guinness World Records people,
for a possible WORLD'S RECORD for having the WORST
Case of Diabetic Black-Outs in World History! But Don't
Worry! According to Janet Napolitano since July 1999, and
John McCain since October 2004, they still INSIST that this
"is NOT a Disability", but that it IS a Crime to disagree
with how they have Violated My Rights!

    Regardless of its flaws, European Heath Care might be
a blessing compared to this kind of Corruption! Don't be
surprised if I try to escape to Europe to be Free from this
kind of Napolitano-McCain-Obama Oppression!

    Bear Woodson, Composer

Home: 520 - 881 - 2558
"Bear Woodson" <bearwood...@cox.net>

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