Hello All HOTties!

It's time again for a round of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team nominations
and elections! This time we'll have three rounds:
(i) Nominations (and election) for new voting members,
(ii) Election of (voting members') Chair (person) – first time ever! – and
(iii) Election of the Board.

Please read details below and then nominate good candidates for new voting
members and then (after this bit) suggest and vote a good Chair and Board
for HOT for 2014.

This request is especially targeted at voting members but also community
members at large: while voting members by definition will vote in elections
anyone can and is encouraged to suggest good people for any of these roles.
All nominations must officially come from voting members, though, so
community members should send their suggestion(s) to one of the current
voting members [1].

*Note that* the current voting members do *not *need to confirm their
membership as the interpretation of the membership term (bylaws' section
3.6) has been revised.

Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

*(i) New Voting Members: Nominations (January 17-26) and approval vote
(week of January 27)*

While all HOT community members are equally valued and can be equally
valuable to the activities of our do-o-cratic community we have voting
members defined in our bylaws [2] as a sort of trusted group of active
community members who are committed in guiding the community and the
registered organization to fruitful future. The roles and responsibilities
are defined in more detail in the recently drafted HOT Code [3] soon-to-be
approved by the voting members.

HOT membership nominations/”selection” works like this, a bit like with the
Apache Foundation: New voting members are invited by current members. The
nominations are then published and voted upon by the existing voting
members (as defined in bylaws' section 3.5). All nominees that are approved
by 2/3 of existing voting members become new voting members.

Nominated members before have come from all sorts of places, those who have
worked with us in the field, remote volunteers that have really made a
difference in responses and partners that have really helped. [4]

Current voting members can make their nomination using the following link
https://surveymonkey.com/s/JVPCLFF . *Please note* that as it has been
discussed over the last year or so and as the proposed HOT Code requires
existing voting members should limit their nomination to one nominee. The
idea is not to restrict the voting membership but to ensure that we expand
our voting membership in a sound way. We are aiming to have new (planned)
voting member nominations in the future twice a year. Please also check
that your nominee would like to become a voting member of HOT. Last but not
least, if you are not a voting member and would like to be nominated,
please do contact an existing HOT member to discuss. If you don't know who
to contact you can always ask one of us undersigned or any one of the Board

Nominations must be made by end of the day Sunday January 26, 2014 (PST).
Nominations will be published on Monday January 27, 2014 and the approval
vote will be cast that week with election closing on Sunday February 2 end
of day (PST). New voting members will be announced on Monday February 3.

*(ii) Election of (Voting Members) Chair (week of February 3)*

The HOT bylaws section 3.7 note that a Chair (for voting members) shall be
elected. This is the first time that we are selecting one.

The role of the Chair (as defined by the bylaws) is to announce voting
members meetings and chair them but s/he also has a potential disciplinary
role towards harmfully acting voting members (section 3.6). The term of the
Chair is one year as is that of the Board.

Details on the nomination and election of the Chair will follow in a
separate email but the whole process will happen during the week of
February 3 so that the Chair can participate in the Annual meeting and its

*(iii) Election of the Board: Nominations (Weeks of February 3 and 10),
Election (Week of February 17)*

All seven seats on the team's Board of Directors are up for election to a
one-year term. Having a Board with a diversity of skills will help further
the organization. Board members are expected to spend a minimum of five
hours per month on strategic issues related to the team, over and above the
usual member volunteer commitment. [4]

Nominations are to be made at:

The detailed schedule of the Board nominations (deadline) and election
(time window) will be announced separately with details of the annual

Big thanks to those that read through to here. And thanks to all in our
diverse community for making things happen. Let's make this year even
better for HOT than last year was!

With best wishes from the nominations/elections team,
Boris, Jaakko & Kate

[1] http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Team/Members
[3] The final draft of the HOT Code with all the comments various HOTties
have made to it is available at HOT Code <https://hackpad.com/1X2acHIN2HX> .
[4] From Schuyler's announcement of last nominations/election.

jaa...@helleranta.com * Skype: jhelleranta * Mobile: +505-8845-3391 (Nicaragua)
* Voice(mail) / SMS / What's app: +1-202-730-9778 * http://about.me/jaakkoh
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