Hi All,
To start, congratulations to all the new voting members, to the newly
elected Board and the new Chair. Also to say thank you for a very user
friendly system that has been put in place so far.
I know you have quite a lot on your plate trying to make sense of the spate
of Humanitarian projects that came flooding in so am not expecting an
immediate response.
However there are quite a few of these projects which have been requested
and started but not completed. Are we still to go round completing these
projects or have some now fallen by the wayside as no longer required. My
request is some kind of indicators to let us at the mapping level know
which projects we should be working on to completion and in what order of
priority so we can best serve the interests of Humanitarian efforts.
Good luck in your new positions and I look forward to helping as best I can.
Thanking you
Ralph Aytoun
Cartographer (Retired)
HOT mailing list

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