Hi all,

Apologies for cross posting, but I think that Heather's post to crisis
mappers may also call for discussion in HOT.
The crowdgov initiative and its USD 100 reward by story, can also work as a
super mini grant but still impactive for its Author specifically in poor
countries in Haiti WesternAfrica-Central Africa.
Maybe worthy of action on our end and surely a great learning way for local
and hot folks to co-work on with paid tribute to be left to locals and the
increase of knowledge shared with all.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: nicolas chavent <nicolas.chav...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: [CrisisMappers] Impact Stories Competition (Open Data)
To: crisismappers <crisismapp...@googlegroups.com>
Cc: rahul.gh...@okfn.org

Hi Heather,

Great initiative and many thanks to share with the list.

The more I have been directly working over the last year from Haiti to
Africa (Senegal, Chad, Togo, Burkina-Faso) building, strengthening,
supporting in a variety of ways local OSM groups active from ecosystems
composed of Academics (mostly Departments of Geography), tech groups of
various forms (Co-working spaces, Academic Computer Labs,
FreeSoftwareAssociations), local government and COB/NGO related to some
International Actors, the more I deeply felt the need for better
documentation, knowledge and information dissemination around :
* Open data - community re-use stories [1]
* Open data - government re-use stories [2]
* Open data and Open Source Software movements *tout court* and from the
Basics, those points are still way to new and not widely enough known and
discussed outside of circle, we are still *minoritaires*.
* Multi lingual documentation and for the areas where I have been working
in dire need to have French as well as Local (HT Kreyol) or African
regional language being translated into from English.

Such documents as well as more similar documents on DHN activities and key
achievements (reports/ white papers) can really help us crisis mappers to
make an even higher impact while operating (remotely or on_the_ground) and
create autonomous self standing groups/ communities well articulated to our
global forum, and its various members.

I'd be happy to learn more on key resources at hand anf find the best
fashion to get non_English speaking communities sharing stories as well as
benefitting in return from the efforts (reports, articles, papers and other
products) into their language so that our global efforts are better
appreciated, our virtues better known and through the
*immanent_power_of_virtues* our collective actions gain more chance to
inspire thinkers and doers of this Earth to add to our thinking and action.

Exciting project,
Thanks for those at the Origin of the Initiative,


[1] = http://crowdgov.wordpress.com/the-survey/
[2] = http://okfn.org/pod/impact-stories-competition/

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Heather Leson <heatherle...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> The Partnership for Open Data <http://okfn.org/pod/> (a partnership
> between the World Bank, Open Data Institute and Open Knowledge Foundation)
> is seeking to recognize great community stories around Open Data.
> More Details:
> *http://okfn.org/pod/impact-stories-competition/*<http://okfn.org/pod/impact-stories-competition/>
> Closing Date: March 24, 2014
> Eligibility: Successful candidate stories need to be from the global south
> (or, as I like to call it: the majority world)
> If you can share within your networks, I would appreciate it.
> Rahul (cc'ed) is our point of contact at Open Knowledge Foundation.
> Thanks!
> Heather
> Heather Leson
> heatherle...@gmail.com
> Twitter: HeatherLeson
> Blog: textontechs.com
> --
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Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
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