Thanks Drazen

I added an item to the agenda

> Website. Draw up requirements for Working Groups section, Members section

I'm going to be on a short vacation Monday, so unfortunately can't make the
meeting. To flesh out a bit more, during the Board face to face, we
discussed several things about HOT's structure that need better
communication, and realized the website is the best place to focus. We
thought to start with building a section for member profiles, and a section
for working groups.

The place to start would be to draw up simple requirements for these.
Member profiles should have name, photo, twitter, bio, country; and should
be easy to connect from blog posts and other parts of the site; and
shouldn't necessarily be a Drupal user, but a content type. Working groups
have another set of parameters to define.

>From the requirements, work with clara and other Drupal developers to
implement the content types and views. Then work to fill the content. Rinse
and repeat for other parts of the site.

So hopefully this can get a bit of discussion and work at the next meeting,
and I'm happy to pick it up with whoever is interested after the meeting.

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