I have difficulties with water I must confess.  I'm mapping from a
satellite image taken an a particular day.  All I see is water, not wadi
etc.  If its a River I'm supposed to note which direction it flows.  My
eyesight isn't that good.  A wide river isn't a problem but when is a
Stream a River or the other way round, or sometimes I see a series of
elongated patches of water and I'm unclear what those are.

Unfortunately I think we need people on the ground to better tag what we
are doing from the satellite image.

Cheerio John

On 21 January 2015 at 18:04, AYTOUN RALPH <ralph.ayt...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

> I would like to raise the issue of tags for *waterway=river*,
> *waterway=stream* and* waterway=wadi.*
> The problem that exists with the existing tags is that there is no visual
> difference on the map for a stream (perennial) and a stream (intermittent)
> and the only other option is wadi which gives a blue pecked line.
> Accepted mapping standards for this would be to show:-
>  all perennial rivers and streams as a continuous solid blue line
> (indicating that there is flowing water all year round)
>  all non-perennial rivers and streams as a continuous blue pecked line
> (indicating that there is flowing water during the wet season but not the
> whole year).
> A wadi would be depicted with a continuous pecked brown line (indicating
> that it is dry watercourse and could be dry for years at a time...only
> flowing if there is a flash flood or unusually heavy rain).
> This would then convey the correct meanings with symbols on the map and
> make reading the map a lot easier. The categories would still be searchable
> and distinguish between the three categories of water flow.
> The proposed tags would then be
> *waterway=river* ...... *waterway= stream* ...... continuous solid blue
> line
> *waterway=river_intermittent ...... waterway=stream_intermittent ..... 
> *continuous
> pecked blue line
> *waterway=wadi* ..... continuous pecked brown line (a wadi can be so wide
> that another tag would be needed similar to the tag for river banks)
> *waterway=wadi_bank* which would still be a brown pecked line.
> This would then ease the path for introducing the tags for perennial lakes
> with a solid blue outline and lighter blue fill, intermittent lakes with a
> blue pecked outline and a light blue fill and dry pans with a brown pecked
> outline with a brown stipple fill.
> I can figure out a single tag proposal on wiki but do not know how to do
> this more complex proposal as it entails changing all the tags at the same
> time along with their map symbols.
> If it is deemed appropriate is there someone who could do this?
> Reference......
> http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/TopographicMapSymbols/topomapsymbols.pdf
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