I seem to recall that JOSM can be run from a USB stick.

Cheerio John

On 4 February 2015 at 15:24, Milo van der Linden <m...@dogodigi.net> wrote:

> Why go through the trouble of installing? People are doing remote tasks
> and have no gpx files, field papers or geotagged photos. Because then I
> would certainly advise josm.
> I think time is valuable. If you have 10 computers and spend 5 minutes per
> install, you lost an hour of a half day event..
> On Feb 4, 2015 8:37 PM, "Jan van Bekkum" <jan.vanbek...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can't you ask participants to install JOSM before they arrive?
>> On Wed Feb 04 2015 at 8:21:56 PM Jorieke Vyncke <jorieke.vyn...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Willy,
>>> Just some of my thoughts:
>>> In Antwerp we used JOSM because we had loads of time. It takes maybe a
>>> little longer to install JOSM, but teaching and learning how to map is on
>>> the same level. You only have more mapping possibilities with JOSM... On
>>> the installation, when everybody is arriving at the mapathon and setting up
>>> his computer, you can let the participants already install JOSM and make
>>> them create a login before the 'real training' starts.
>>> If you are not sure about the stability of the internet connection it
>>> might also be better to use JOSM, because for ID you need all the time a
>>> stable internet connection.
>>> Further; are people bringing their own laptops or not? If you are
>>> planning to work on fixed computers it might be better to work with ID,
>>> because in a lot of universities, companies, etc. there are restrictions in
>>> installing JOSM or other software on their computers. So if you plan to
>>> work with JOSM on fixed computers it might be good check and to install
>>> JOSM already on every computer of the room. If you plan to work with ID,
>>> you shouldn't have any problems.
>>> But one of the main important things is: what is your favourite mapping
>>> editor? Because this editor you probably can explain the best. Besides you,
>>> as teacher, you also need some 'helpers' who can stand behind the mappers
>>> who are trying to follow what you are explaining. In my opinion it's the
>>> best to have at least 1 person behind 6 or 7 participants, to guide them in
>>> the mapping. So these people also need to master ID or JOSM.
>>> Please inform me about what you decided, so we can share some more
>>> advice with you
>>> And for the validation, I absolutely follow Dan. :-)
>>> Groetjes, Jorieke
>>> 2015-02-04 9:30 GMT+01:00 Dan S <danstowell+...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'd recommend using iD for beginners - and actually, I'd recommend
>>>> using iD if this is your first time organising a mapping party,
>>>> because if you use JOSM you will be submerged in annoying problems
>>>> installing JOSM on people's computers and that's no fun! It can be
>>>> done but it helps to have more experience.
>>>> For validating, I'd say any mapper who can use JOSM and has been
>>>> involved in a couple of HOT tasks in the past. It's definitely a good
>>>> idea of yours to validate as soon as possible, and get feedback
>>>> straight back to the people you're working with.
>>>> Have fun!
>>>> Best
>>>> Dan
>>>> 2015-02-04 7:59 GMT+00:00 Willy Bakker <friesewoudlo...@gmail.com>:
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> >
>>>> > In the Netherlands we are organizing a Missing Maps Mapping Party the
>>>> 14th
>>>> > of february.
>>>> > I'd really like your feedback on two questions we have:
>>>> >
>>>> > Firstly, which editor would you recommend for beginners? In Berlin
>>>> during
>>>> > the Open Knowledge Festival I attended a HOT workshop where the iD
>>>> editor
>>>> > was used; at the mapping party in Antwerp in december they used JOSM.
>>>> Which
>>>> > one is the best for beginners?
>>>> >
>>>> > Secondly, we think it is important that tasks that are done are
>>>> validated as
>>>> > soon as possible. Because of that we would like to 'appoint' an
>>>> experienced
>>>> > mapper at the mapping party to validate the done tasks. But what are
>>>> the
>>>> > requirements for this person? Can any experienced mapper validate
>>>> tasks?
>>>> >
>>>> > Regards,
>>>> >
>>>> > Willy Bakker
>>>> >
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