Looking at it I would concur that the imagery could be better  Also the
expectations are not clear to me, is a generic hut ie <Crtl><V> in JOSM or
do you want the real size of the hut?  Some tiles have the imagery listed
in the instructions and some tiles do not.

There seems to be a variety of mapping styles some huts are drawn, others
are dropped in as points.

Cheerio John

On 7 March 2015 at 10:45, Vao Matua <vaoma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Pete,
> I would appreciate the feedback from site visits.  It is difficult to know
> if the imagery shows buildings or trees, paths or streams.
> Hopefully the mapping will make things go faster in the field.
> Emmor
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 8:57 PM, Pete Masters <pedrito1...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Pierre,
>> I totally agree. I will ask for feedback.
>> Also, we are trying to up our game in terms of local field mapping thus
>> year. I guess there is no better validation.
>> Bangladesh was super interesting, for example. Although the tracing was
>> often way out, it was super important for the local mappers as they were
>> able to reference their position via gos on their smartphones with their
>> position on the field papers. With the combination of the two tools,
>> incorrect landmarks were almost as good as correct ones. And of course,
>> they were able to validate the tracing.
>> It is also important, I guess, for people working with NGOs and HOT to
>> manage expectations and make clear that tracing remotely is by no means
>> fool proof! Variances in mapping skill, image quality, context etc...
>> Look forward to discussing this further.
>> Pete
>> On 6 Mar 2015 16:53, "Pierre Béland" <pierz...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi Pete
>>> Yes, the contributors are prompt to respond to MSF and other
>>> humanitarian organizations operational projects. And be sure that such
>>> feedback about these projects is most appreciated by the HOT contributors.
>>> Let me make some disgression suggesting more intensive collaboration.
>>> We are a techy organization and the big contributors appreciate the
>>> capacity to move forward and work more closely with the field teams, to
>>> explore workflows to better interact. Feedback is a must to keep the
>>> incentive to participate.  Even in the context of urgent projects, if the
>>> teams take the time to give minimal feedback, I am convince that this will
>>> assure a good progress of the Task Manager jobs.
>>> The article about Ebola refered by Russell this week, presented some
>>> criticism about the Ebola basemap quality relying it to the  Crowdsource
>>> mapping or import of Settlement place names with duplicates.  This shows
>>> misunderstanding about how we can collectively, the OSM community and the
>>> international organizations deployed in the field, build a coherent map.
>>> Crowdsourcing the digitalization of aerial imagery or data imports, this
>>> is only one step in building an exhaustive map that can support
>>> humanitarian operations. To complete the map, the volunteers from abroad
>>> need more interaction with the field team GIS specialists.  After mostly a
>>> year contributing for the Ebola activation and with all the GIS specialists
>>> in the field working for Ebola, we still see how it is difficult to go
>>> further then Crowdsource remote mapping and as a Global humanitarian
>>> community integrate the field data collection in a more coherent
>>> information system,  to share with others.
>>> Working on smaller projects like this one, this could be often an
>>> opportunity to progress and find ways to better interact.
>>> regard
>>> Pierre
>>>   ------------------------------
>>>  *De :* Pete Masters <pedrito1...@googlemail.com>
>>> *À :* "hot@openstreetmap.org" <hot@openstreetmap.org>
>>> *Envoyé le :* Vendredi 6 mars 2015 10h43
>>> *Objet :* [HOT] Mayendit task
>>> Hi all, I planned to write an email this afternoon to ask for your help
>>> with the Mayendit task (http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/923). The MSF
>>> team need the data fairly urgently.
>>> However, when I just went to look, I saw it was already at 28%! This is
>>> amazing....
>>> So, instead I will just say, keep up the good work. The team needs the
>>> data by mid next week, but I think that looks very likely to happen.
>>> If anyone has time to do a bit of validation, that would also be super
>>> cool.
>>> (I try not to post to this list too much about Missing Maps tasks as you
>>> are all already involved in so many worthy projects. This is an exception
>>> because of the task's urgent nature...)
>>> Thanks again!
>>> Pete
>>> --
>>> *Pete Masters*
>>> Missing Maps Project Coordinator
>>> +44 7921 781 518
>>> missingmaps.org <http://www.missingmaps.org/>
>>> *@pedrito1414* <https://twitter.com/TheMissingMaps>
>>> *@theMissingMaps* <https://twitter.com/TheMissingMaps>
>>> *facebook.com/MissingMapsProject*
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/MissingMapsProject>
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