small buildings building=yes, let some on the ground say its a house etc.

If a building is not a triangle then change it to a rectangle.  JOSM
building tool is fast and very easy to use.

Some projects want all buildings, some want residential areas and highways,
all buildings are nice but there is a lot of ground to cover so read the
instructions first, if you can get away with residential areas rather than
buildings according to the instructions go for the residential areas and
get more ground mapped in the same time.

Cheerio John

On 30 April 2015 at 19:39, Suzan Reed <> wrote:

> ONE  Small structures/houses
> In remote areas, lightly populated, it's difficult to see if a small
> structure is a house or something else. I am labeling them all "house". Is
> this correct? People live in tiny places in Nepal, less that 25' square.
> They are hard to discern. If it looks like a building, I mark it as a
> house. Is this good?
> TWO  Geologic structures
> It is difficult to tell geologic structures from houses in some cases. I
> look to see if there are similar structures in the landscape, if there are
> fields or agriculture, then mark it as a house as I have been erring on the
> side of marking houses and having people recognized as being there than
> not. I want everyone on the map. This may mean I've made mistakes and it's
> a huge boulder with a shadow. Comments?
> THREE  Changing other's work
> Also, some of my colleagues have marked houses with triangles, not
> rectangles. Can I correct these?
> FOUR  Exact building shape
> Is the shape of the building important? It's often difficult to tell if
> it's part of the house or an outbuilding or a shed near the house. Knowing
> there are people living there seems more important, but if the actual shape
> is important, I will go back and redo my work.
> FIVE  Residential vs. all houses marked
> Many remote villages are simply marked with a polygon Residential Area.
> Should I add the structures to these areas?
> SIX  Up to date BING images?
> Also, how recent are the Bing images? In remote areas, much could have
> been lost to landslides. I also come across areas with clouds. I can go
> back and map these if the images are refreshed.
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