Hi Simon, seems Fedora Project IRC example is better. Will be nice if HOT
implements same.

Thanks Milo for the meetbot.


- Enock
twitter: @Enock4seth
enockseth.github.io | [[User:Enock4seth]]

On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 8:38 PM, Simon Clark <simon.richard.cl...@gmail.com>

> Over on the Fedora Project irc channels, we have the meetbot functionality
> incorporated into our irc bot.  Anyone logged in to the irc channels can
> issue commands to the bot but the convention for meetings is that we wait
> for the chair to issue the #startmeeting command.  It is useful for the
> chair to #addchair one or two other participants in case they have to leave
> before the meeting ends as only a meeting chair can #endmeeting.  This
> seems to work well and supports many meetings per week.
> Simon
> On 9 June 2015 at 21:08, Milo van der Linden <m...@dogodigi.net> wrote:
>> Hello hotties,
>> I have set up a meetbot in the #hot irc channel. This adds enhancements
>> to help streamline online meetings by automagically creating minutes. The
>> commands that can be used are simple and well documented[1] and will after
>> the #endmeeting command is issued, generate the minutes and show the links
>> to the minutes[2]. Currently the meetbot is running indefinitly on one of
>> my servers.
>> I have a couple of questions:
>> 1. Could this be of use?
>> 2. Since I will not always be present at IRC meetings; is/are there
>> anybody that would like to have admin access to control the bot and be able
>> to start meetings? And would they have to be boardmembers?
>> Your advice would be highly appreciated.
>> Kind regards,
>> milo/miblon
>> [1]http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=community:using-meetbot
>> [2]www.dogodigi.net/logs/hot/
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