Hi all,

Have just posted this as an OSM diary, but just in case some of you don't
spend all morning watching the OSM diary feed, here is the link ;)

Full text below.



It is the monthly London Missing Maps / HOT mapping party tonight.

For a while now, we have had a table or two at each mapathon where people
can sit if they want to learn to validate. And, with much thanks to the HOT
/ OSM stalwarts who have sat with them each month, we now have a gang of
new validators.

We identified validation early on as something we would have to address
with the mapping parties in London. We are bringing a lot of new mappers to
the table and they aren't necessarily coming via HOT or OSM. They are,
essentially, humanitarians, who have a desire to do something, rather than
just donate something. HOT and Missing Maps is a perfect fit, but they are
mapping novices.

Our community of validators are now doing great stuff helping guide the
newbies and ensure some quality control.

What we'd like to start doing now is connecting our London validators up
with the wider community of HOT validators. So, tonight we'd like to invite
any validators out there to join us. We will introduce our validators that
don't know to mumble and hope to have an ongoing chat between those in the
room and those joining remotely.

Our hope is that they will enrich the validator community within HOT and
also provide our new validators with some contacts who can help them as
they learn.

The event details are here and you can sign up as a remote validator:

Mapping starts at 1830, but we might be a bit late getting the validators
set up on mumble as we usually prioritise onboarding the new people.

Let me know if you have any comments or questions.



*Pete Masters*
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518

missingmaps.org <http://www.missingmaps.org/>

*@pedrito1414* <https://twitter.com/TheMissingMaps>
*@theMissingMaps* <https://twitter.com/TheMissingMaps>
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