Hi John,

It is on the right side of the screen, the bottom icon "help". On the
"help" panel there is a button to start the walk through again at the

Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Vice President, HOT Board of Directors
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact: i...@hotosm.org

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 5:08 PM, John Bocan <jmbo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Blake, et al.
> I'm in iD and trying to get back to the walkthrough an I'm having issues not
> being able to.  One you are in a real edit mode and get out, I'm not able to
> find the means to get to the Walkthroughb.
> JOhnB
> ________________________________
> From: Blake Girardot HOT/OSM <blake.girar...@hotosm.org>
> To: John Bocan <jmbo...@yahoo.com>
> Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 1:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [info-hotosm] Re: [HOT] need contact info for a mini-mapathon
> Hi John,
> This looks like quite a good project both for the needed map data and
> as an introduction to HOT  and OSM mapping in general:
> http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1753
> It is not a small area for just one mapathon, but we can add a tag to
> the default changeset comments so you could track how everyone
> contributes.
> Or you could just ask people to concentrate on one small area of the
> larger project to have a more visual localized impact from the
> mapping.
> Also, if you could introduce JOSM (with the building_tools plugin
> installed)? That is a lot more GIS'ish of a tool and might be a bit
> more comfortable for GIS pros than iD.
> https://josm.openstreetmap.de/
> It is of course an open source project so it has its rough edges from
> a UI perspective, but overall a very nice tool for OSM mapping.
> But iD works great too, I just wanted to make sure you were aware of
> the more advanced tool.
> I have attached a .geojson file of the project I linked to above so
> you can review it (JOSM needs a plugin to open .geojson files if you
> are using josm)
> Please let me know if you have any more questions and thank you again
> for doing the mapathon and showing more GIS pros what we do. We are
> really trying to incorporate more GIS professionals in our volunteer
> work because we often need actual GIS skills to support the
> humanitarian orgs that use our data.
> Cheers,
> Blake
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Blake Girardot
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
> Vice President, HOT Board of Directors
> skype: jblakegirardot
> HOT Core Team Contact: i...@hotosm.org
> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 4:54 PM, John Bocan <jmbo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Thanks very much!
>> JohnB
>> ________________________________
>> From: Blake Girardot HOT/OSM <blake.girar...@hotosm.org>
>> To: John Bocan <jmbo...@yahoo.com>
>> Cc: Tyler Radford <tyler.radf...@hotosm.org>; "i...@hotosm.org"
>> <i...@hotosm.org>
>> Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 10:18 AM
>> Subject: Re: [info-hotosm] Re: [HOT] need contact info for a mini-mapathon
>> Hi John,
>> Thank you very much for doing the mapathon. It is really cool that GIS
>> pros are interested in our project.
>> Let me see what I can find out and I will write you back later today.
>> Cheers,
>> Blake
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> Blake Girardot
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
>> Vice President, HOT Board of Directors
>> skype: jblakegirardot
>> HOT Core Team Contact: i...@hotosm.org
>> On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 2:45 PM, 'John Bocan' via Info <i...@hotosm.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Greetings all,
>>> I am emailing "info" for a good project for a mini-mapathon that I am
>>> organizing for GIS professionals at the West Virginia GIS conference
>>> being
>>> held this week.  As described below in a previous email, it will be this
>>> Friday, May 6 at 10:00 am EDT to 12:00 pm EDT.  This event will be a
>>> hands-on workshop for conference-goers using stationary computers.  At
>>> most
>>> we will have 23 but since this is the very last event of the conference,
>>> we
>>> may not have that amount.
>>> I am also presenting a session on crowd-source mapping which will have an
>>> emphasis on OSM and especially, HOT mapping. Most folks will be
>>> ESRI-centric
>>> in terms of their experience so I'll still need to walk through working
>>> with
>>> the iD editor and how things are done via OSM.
>>> I registered my event with Missing Maps but I've not heard from them yet.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> John Bocan, GISP
>>> Morgantown, WV
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Tyler Radford <tyler.radf...@hotosm.org>
>>> To: John Bocan <jmbo...@yahoo.com>
>>> Cc: HOT Openstreetmap <hot@openstreetmap.org>
>>> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 6:11 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [HOT] need contact info for a mini-mapathon
>>> Hi John,
>>> Thanks for emailing. What you are doing sounds great. Thanks for
>>> organizing
>>> this and helping spread the word!
>>> As you get slightly closer, you could email i...@hotosm.org. One of our
>>> team
>>> members will respond. We can find a project which needs the most help in
>>> the
>>> few days before the event.
>>> Tyler
>>> Tyler Radford
>>> Executive Director
>>> tyler.radf...@hotosm.org
>>> @TylerSRadford
>>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
>>> Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development
>>> web | twitter | facebook | donate
>>> On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:12 AM, John Bocan <jmbo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Greetings all,
>>> This is the first time I'm posting to the group, but I've been an avid
>>> reader of the list for almost a year. I am looking to have kind of a
>>> mini-mapathon for Friday, May 6th. It will be actually a hands-on
>>> workshop
>>> for the West Virginia GIS Conference. The maximum size is 23 and we'll be
>>> using desktop machines in one of the computer labs at the university
>>> (WVU).
>>> I've been reading the material on Missing Maps, especially that
>>> pertaining
>>> to hosting a mapathon. There is the statement in a PDF to “Contact a
>>> Development Relationship Manager or Missing Maps Coordinator with your
>>> date
>>> and location so they can help you with the following....”; however, I
>>> seem
>>> not to be able to find that contact info. I'm assuming that the
>>> manager/coordinator would find an appropriate task to for us to do. I'm
>>> not
>>> concerned about advertising the event since it's akin to the conference
>>> only. Most of the attendees are GIS professionals like myself. I was
>>> considerably impressed with what I saw and heard at State of the Map US
>>> in
>>> NYC last year, having been an OSM contributor for a few years now. I
>>> didn't
>>> even know of HOT until SOTMUS-NYC! And it was great to participate in the
>>> mapathon on the last day.
>>> I will be presenting a session on crowdsource mapping which will emphasis
>>> OSM, a bit of the National Map Corps but especially HOT. I figured,
>>> “since
>>> I'm doing that, why not give them some hands-on work?”, so I decided to
>>> do
>>> a
>>> mini-mapathon. Again, most will be GIS professionals but I'm assuming no
>>> real experience with the OSM environments. I'll do a walk-through of
>>> editing
>>> via iD and one of the videos as well. And of course, go over squaring off
>>> the square buildings (hot topic lately, pardon the pun.)
>>> All in all, if anyone could direct me to “who” I need to contact, it will
>>> be
>>> great!
>>> Best,
>>> John Bocan, GISP
>>> Morgantown, WV
>>> OSM: JMBocan
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>>> HOT mailing list
>>> HOT@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

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