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Subject: [HumanRights] Invitation to GIS workshop Thursday and more
Date: July 9, 2016 at 10:32:37 AM GMT+2
Cc: Human Rights Newsletter <>

Invitation to a GIS application workshop. Note we continue to have regular
training workshops at the museum as well as opportunities to do volunteer
work, to do research, or partake of field trips. But even if you live in
other countries you can help us in many ways. Join our volunteers around
the world. Contact us if you like more information at You can also see our two short videos explaining
ways you can help/connect with us to protect nature

Or connect with us on facebook as Palestine Museum of Natural History,
QGIS intermediate level workshop

Palestine Museum of Natural History, Bethlehem University Mar Andrea campus
Thursday 14 July 2016 gather/register 9:30 AM,  workshop 10 AM- Noon

- learn how to create lines/points/polygons
- learn how the attributes table functions and its use
- learn how to import excel sheet in QGIS
- learn how to create diagrams inside QGIS
- learn how to finalize your map (scale, title, legend) and save it in PDF

Description: This workshop will allow you to produce your maps based on
your own data. You will learn how to create layers and how to organize your
data inside QGIS. Finally, you will be able to finalize your map and have
it ready to print or to be saved as a PDF.

Facilitator: Jeane Perrier is from Sciences Po Paris, France. PhD student
in political science on the governance of the paracommuns of irrigation in
Palestine (University of Montpellier, France).

Reservation to (02)2773553

But again, contact us, come visit, donate, and/or work with us remotely in
any case. We do need your support

Mazin Qumsiyeh
Professor and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
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