Dear HOT community members,

It was great to meet many of you at the HOT summit & SOTM in Brussels! I'm contacting you today to offer you a nice follow-up event at the 5th GeOnG conference, on October 17th to 19th in Chambéry (France, 1h from Geneva). GeOnG is the biggest independent conference on humanitarian mapping & information management in Europe, and it is a unique opportunity to meet an audience of professionals and experts on the topic (140 participants from 60 organizations in 2014). We host a large panel of GIS & IM specialists from lots of NGOs and UN agencies (confirmed for this year MSF, UNHCR, OCHA, ICRC, AFD, Solidarités Int., Handicap Int., Terre des Hommes, American Red Cross, Medair, ACAPS, Humanitarian OSM Team, iMMAP, MapAction, etc.) so it is a great opportunity for you to better understand how humanitarians use your data, and how to improve collaboration.

We chose for this year the grand topic “lessons from the past, shaping the future”, around the role of new technologies (GIS, GPS, mobiles solutions, remote sensing, drones…) in today’s and tomorrow’s humanitarian interventions. We are planning a mix of panel discussions on several key topics concerning these evolutions (big data, citizen science, crowdsourcing, UAVs, new assessment tools, etc.), hands-on workshops on key technological tools, both novelties and classics (PowerBI, KoBo Analyzer, D3.js, QGIS, OSM exports, OpenLayers, R, etc.), plus the “speed geeking” (speed dating of projects) and lightning talks.

The complete provisional agenda is published on our website:

If you would like to present during the conference, there is still a bit of room, either by joining an existing panel or suggesting a short format: please get in touch quickly then! We are also considering a poster exposition, please let us know if that would be of interest to you.

Finally, 2016 is a special year for us at CartONG, as it is our 10th anniversary, which give us an opportunity to celebrate it with our partners and friends during GeOnG, with an exclusive party on the 17th, and a public Missing Maps mapathon on the 18th!

Please take your ticket as soon as possible, it will help us plan the logistics of the event:

We hope to see you in October in the Alps!

All the best.


Martin Noblecourt
Phone: +33 (0)4 79 26 28 82
Mobile: +33 (0)6 04 09 74 19
Skype: martin.noblecourt

Humanitarian mapping and information management

Website: | Twitter: @assocCartONG | Address: Chambéry, France

Lon: 05°55'24'' | Lat: 45°30'20''

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