Dear HOT/OSM community members,

CartONG, the French NGO dedicated to the use of mapping and information management for humanitarian purposes, is carrying out a study about the use of Information & Communication Technology in micro-project for international aid (the project is conducted for the Agence des Micro-Projets from La Guilde, a French micro-grants agency). The goal of this study is to better understand projects from small and medium NGOs (yearly turnover <250,000€) needs and identify the most effective technologies or mobile applications to use.

So if you have ever taken part as a manager, partner, or participant in a micro-project, if you use (or would like to use) ICT to leverage the potential of your project, or if you would you like to share an interesting initiative you are aware of, please take a few minutes to fill in the study we have launched here:

Your feedback will allow us to get a fair overview of the ecosystem and will help small NGOs identify the tools & technologies most suited to their need.

Thanks for your time!

Violaine (CartONG)
Missing Maps coordinator

Fwd: Re: Disponibilité de votre lieu pour un mapathon Missing Maps
*Violaine Doutreleau*
Coordinatrice Missing Maps
CartONG <file:///>
mobile :
skype : doutreleau.violaine

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