Early Stage Researcher position in the context of the “TRuStEE”
Marie-Sklodowska Curie International Training Network ITN: “Multi-source
remote sensing data for natural disaster monitoring”

Applications now open! More info below.

Good luck!

Luisa Teixeira
+49 176 20999093 || +351 919499016
<http://www.linkedin.com/in/luisateixeira>View my profile

-------- Forwarded Message --------

*Subject: *

PhD position vacancy at UNIMIB

*Date: *

Fri, 25 Aug 2017 15:36:17 +0200

*From: *

Micol Rossini <micol.ross...@unimib.it> <micol.ross...@unimib.it>

*To: *

'Micol Rossini' <micol.ross...@unimib.it> <micol.ross...@unimib.it>

Dear all,

we are currently advertising a PhD position to work at the Department of
Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca. This is an
Early Stage Researcher position in the context of the “TRuStEE”
Marie-Sklodowska Curie International Training Network ITN entitled
“Multi-source remote sensing data for natural disaster monitoring”.

The PhD position offered is for a period of 36 months starting in October

The PhD project objective is to test a new research-grade science unmanned
aerial vehicle (UAV) housing new state-of-the-art hyperspectral or
narrowband multispectral equipment for monitoring natural disaster. The
relationship between biodiversity variables, ecosystem functional
properties and natural disaster events will be investigated using remote
sensing data collected from drone platforms and satellites.

The ideal candidate we are seeking is a highly-motivated and collaborative
PhD student with a background and interest in both, environmental and
quantitative/computational sciences.

Further details about the position and eligibility criteria can be found at



Could you please circulate this announcement among your contacts?

Thanks a lot

Best regards


Micol Rossini

Laboratorio di telerilevamento delle dinamiche ambientali

Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Terra

Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

P.zza della Scienza 1

20126 Milano, Italy

Tel.: +39 0264482864 <+39%2002%206448%202864>

Fax: +39 0264482895 <+39%2002%206448%202895>

e-mail: micol.ross...@unimib.it
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