Congratulations Samaila, this sounds like a great training.

For those interested in mapping Niger, CartONG is currently supporting OSM-Ne in mapping the city of Diffa and N'guigmi. The data will be used by the International Committee of the Red Cross for water & sanitation projects.

You can support us on 3 projects :

 * to map the new neighborhoods
   of Diffa with a recent imagery => this project is OK for beginners
 * to update the city of N'guigmi
   thanks to a recent imagery given by ICRC => for intermediate
   mappers, it is both updating existing mapping & adding the many new
   buildings appeared since the last mapping campaign. Be careful with
   the offset ;-)
 * complete validation of
   the city of Diffa with a new imagery, still ongoing => for more
   advanced mappers since it requires a lot of precise updating of
   existing data.

You're welcome to work on one of these projects during a mapathon, ping us if you want us to introduce the project. Thanks a lot for your contribution!

Best regards.


On 11/11/2017 13:00, wrote:
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2017 15:00:05 +0100
From: Samaila Alio<>
Subject: [HOT] Camp of training in Dosso, Niger
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi all,

OSM Niger is moving to Dosso, Niger to conduct a training and awareness
camp on digital cartography (OSM), free geomatics and open data (opendata)
from 10 to 12 November 2017 in the Regional Direction of the environment.
The beneficiaries of this training are the agents  of the environment
department, the students from the University of dosso.
The program of this camp is defined on a day of creation of geographic data
data via JOSM, ID editor, field data collection via GPS terminals,
smartphones (OsmAnd, OSMtracker) and field papers.
The 2nd day will be devoted to the export of data and their reuse via QGIS,
uMap, MapContrib
The third and final day will be dedicated to the creation of mass data
through a Mapathon on the Diffa Region for contribution to OSMGéoWeek.

​Best regard​s,



Martin Noblecourt

Missing Maps project manager

Email: <>
Phone: +33 (0)4 79 26 28 82
Mobile: +33 (0)6 04 09 74 19
Skype: martin.noblecourt

Humanitarian mapping and information management

Website: <> | Twitter: @assocCartONG <> | Address: Chambéry, France

Lon: 05°55'24'' | Lat: 45°30'20''

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