Dear crisis mapping and digital humanitarian communities,
I'm jumping back into some research I conducted a few years ago around
"digital humanitarianism" and trying to get a sense of how the field has
changed over the last 5-10 years. This new round of research involves
collecting some information about the collective work you do. In this
research I’m trying to understand the ways the field has evolved, and the
impacts these changes are having around the world. I’d love to hear your
thoughts in a survey that I estimate will take 10-15 minutes to complete.
The survey is anonymous, will help both researchers and the digital
humanitarian community, and is open to anyone over 18 years of age
regardless of expertise domain.

The survey link is here:

Of course, participation is completely voluntary and there will be no
negative repercussions for turning down my request. If you have any
questions before or after the survey, please contact me at You can read more about the research project here

I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks! And please do circulate
this widely to related listserves!

Ryan Burns

[image: image.png]
*This study has been approved by the University of Calgary Conjoint
Faculties Research Ethics Board.*

Ryan Burns, PhD
Department of Geography
Engaging Open Data Research
O'Brien Institute for Public Health
University of Calgary
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