
Our little team has been hard at work over the last week or so, and
we're hoping the result will be helpful to you - all refer to the site
at https://learnosm.org/en/. 

The extremely good team of translators have been working hard as well,
and some of the modules, even though they are only a day or so old have
already been translated. Although the links given are for the English
version, the modules exist in other languages as well - click on the
language switcher at the top of the screen, and see if the language you
want is available.

Modules relating to the Tasking Manager 3 (the current HOT version)
have been updated - just search on 'Tasking' to see the modules
available, have been updated.

The Beginner section for iD at 
https://learnosm.org/en/beginner/id-editor/ has been updated - if you
want to send a message to someone concerning a particular section,
click on it in the index, and the address bar at the top of your
browser should change to that particular module - for instance 
 deals with changing the aerial imagery within iD, altering the
brightness, and alignment.

All modules in the https://learnosm.org/en/hot-tips/ section have been
updated - these modules are aimed at those new to OpenStreetMap and the
Tasking Manager, and are laid out to help a new mapper, or a validator
who wants to send a message to a particular mapper.  Many of the images
used in this section are moving, so even if you don't understand the
words, the moving picture can help with your mapping. The links for the
individual modules are;

Section index = https://learnosm.org/en/hot-tips/

Starting with the Tasking Manager and iD editor = 

Aerial imagery - changing within iD. changing the alignment etc.. = 

Issues or warnings shown on iD when something is potentially wrong,
such as a building and a highway overlapping (Personally I like to
investigate this useful feature when I first open a task in iD, so I
can quickly see if there are some potential problems accidentally left
by other mappers) = https://learnosm.org/en/hot-tips/issues/

Rectangular buildings - tracing and 'squaring' = 

Round buildings - tracing or altering a rectangular tracing left by a
previous mapper, to a round building = 

Saving to OSM in iD, also finishing or stopping mapping on the Tasking
Manager = https://learnosm.org/en/hot-tips/saving/

Tags and tagging = https://learnosm.org/en/hot-tips/tagging/

Copying, pasting, rotating, reflecting - makes iD a quick tool to use
when mapping a square = https://learnosm.org/en/hot-tips/copy-paste/

The help menu available from within iD itself is more comprehensive
(click on the '?' icon on the right side of the screen when editing in
iD), and the iD walkthrough available from the help menu are all also
worth investigating.

If you would like to add any of the images from LearnOSM into any
instructions or other documentation you are producing, please feel
free. In my Firefox web browser it's right click and 'copy image
location', which produces a result like = 

Happy mapping, and thanks for reading

Nick (Tallguy)
HOT Training Working Group member.

Incidentally, we could do with more help on the team - particularly
from people who would be willing to proof read something for us before
we publish it, also in providing feedback - beginners welcome.

Thanks again.

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